how the outsiders characters would treat you on your period (pt 3)

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- you'd think he was like dallas, but he's not
- he has angela as a sister so he's used to getting yelled at got nothing
- he knows how to take care of you
- he buys you hot water bottles and heats them up every time they get slightly cold
- makes sure you're drinking enough water
- makes sure you're eating enough
- let's you stay at his house and sleep in his bed while he's out
- he cuddles you for hours
- he runs you warm baths and sits beside the tub, if you want him to
- let's you play with his hair (this is a big deal cause he wouldn't let anyone else do this)

- takes you out to parties even if you're not overly up to it
- you enjoy it anyways cause he's there and it takes your mind off of some of the pain
- i'm sorry but this man doesn't care if you're on your period, y'all with have sex. he does not care
- he makes sure you have enough pain killers so y'all can actually go out and do stuff
- takes you to soda if you're in a lot of pain and he doesn't know what to do
- he's actually an okay cook so he makes you food when you're hungry

- he is like a mini tim
- also had to deal with his sister's telling so he's not phased
- makes you tea
- makes you your favourite foods
- cuddles with you
- rubs you back
- plays with your hair
- he ALWAYS run out to grab anything you need before you even know you need it
- "curly can you go get me some chocolate and sprite?"
"no need, i already have it. what kind of chocolate do you want? i have orange chocolate, milk, dark, peanut butter-"
"wow thanks just milk please."
"okay, and what kind of sprite?"
"you have more than one kind?"

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