CAUGHT (Darlas)

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Warning: smut

i'm sorry i didn't do the request but i'm sure you'll still love it. it's so well written by friend_material enjoy!

this lovely thing explains exactly how this person wanted it and i love the way they put it-

Request from Axleglade

So once again I beg for this one not to be erased dally and darry and sitting on the couch and the boys besides them went out to god know where and darrys like "eyo this will be like the perfect time to do it with peace and quiet and no one will walk in on us cause their gone" and dallys like " hmmm idk man u but if u wanna sure my man" then they do some smoochie smoochie then they do it and sodapop comes in the house looking for darry cause he needs 4 more dollars cause the boys where short on cash and he walk in darry breaking dally into pieces and they all just freeze dally is just there looking wide eyes in embarrassed darry just looks at sodapop and said annoyed like how dare he walk in shame on him tisk tisk tisk and says he has 6 dollars on the kitchen counter sodapop quickly took the money and darry wants for the door to be closed and dallys is like " Maybe we should stop I'm already dieing from embarrassment" darrys like " nah fam he won't tell and I think  he will no that no one should come here for awhile" then they continue and ever since that day sodapop is surprised that dallys a bottom

Dally was laying on the couch, a soda in hand. He was somewhat relaxed, the rest of the gang going off to "terrorize the town" of something like that. He just hoped they wouldn't have to deal with the cops.

  God, he was starting to sound like Darry. Speaking of, the older man came out of the kitchen with a soda of his own and sat down on the couch, moving Dal's legs on top of his lap. 

Dally was absent-mindedly watching the show that was on when he felt Darry's hand running up his thigh. He looked back at him with a questioning look.

  "You know Dal, since the boys are gone," Darry said, climbing on top of him. "Why don't we have some fun? 

Blush spread across Dally's face as he thought of doing it on the couch, but the fear of someone catching then wormed into his mind.

"But what if someone catches us? I mean, they could come in at any secon-" Darry held a finger against Dal's lips, quieting him.

  "They're gone and it'll probably be us for the entire day, we can do it wherever we want," Darry whispered into his ear, making Dally grow hard. 

"Okay, but if someone comes in-" He was interrupted by Darry crashing his lips onto his.  

Their tongues slide against each other, their mouths moving in sync. Darry moved his hands against Dally's sides and slide his shirt and jacket off.  

He took off his own shirt and started to suck on Dallas's neck, leaving dark hickies. He slide his hands up to Dally's nipples, touching them gently.  

The small motion caused Dally to moan loudly, instantly covering his mouth out of habit. But Darry pulled his hand away gently.  "So you like getting your nipples played with, huh?" After a month of being together, Darry still was discovering new things that turned the brunet on. 

Darry teased his nipples, before finally going down and sucking his cock. Darry moved around so that they were sixty-nining and he could feel himself close to release. 

He got back to the other side of Dally so that he prep him. He slides three fingers into Dal's mouth and he sucked on them, coating them in saliva. 

He sticks them in gently, hoping Dal was feeling good. But Dally shoved his hips down, forcing the fingers in. He moans loudly, grabbing onto Darry's strong arms. 

"Whoa there tiger," Darry said teasingly, before pounding the three fingers into him. "You like that?"  Dally nodded feebly, the pleasure from the man's fingers being almost too much.

  "Ready for the real thing?" Dar asked, pulling his fingers out and lining his cock up against Dally's hole. He nodded his head, clutching the couch cushions as he waited impatiently for Darry to put it in.  When he did stick it in, Dally groaned, feeling full. Darry lifted his legs up, holding him down by his thighs. He pounded away at him, not even hearing the door creak open.  

What he did hear was Soda's loud voice, asking for some money or something, but being cut short when he saw the two men, naked, and doing it on the couch.

Darry stops suddenly and Dally's eyes open and go wide when he sees the middle Curtis standing in the doorway. He turns away, trying to hide his embarrassment, but it's too late.

"Soda, what the hell are you doing? Didn't I teach you to knock?" Darry said annoyed, his cock still in Dally. Who, by the way, was shocked at how Darry reacted.

"There are six dollars on the table I think, so get them and get out," He growled. Soda quickly scurried in and out of the house, grabbing the six dollars.  

Once he was out, Dally looked at Darry, surprised. "Um Darry, maybe we should stop, I mean Soda's already caught us and-" But Darry interrupted him. Again. 

"It's alright babe, he's probably too shocked to talk about it and he'll just tell the others not to come round for a while." Dally thought about it for a moment, then nodded his head. 

Darry started to pound into him again, moans coming back from the embarrassed boy underneath him. He only lasted a few more thrusts until Dally came all over his knees and stomach. 

When he saw Dally cum and the way his hole tighten around his cock, he shot white ribbons into Dally.

Once he came down from his high, he cuddled up next to Dally, his cock still inside him.


Soda hadn't asked anything in the entire week after he'd seen Dally and his brother doing it. Which was expected, from the imposing presence that Darry brought with him.  

But one day, Soda caught Dally alone. Which was a pretty challenging task, since he was always hanging out with the gang or with Darry.

"Dal, can I ask you a question?" Soda asked, embarrassed. Dally wasn't that apprehensive as he would've been a week ago, so he just nodded, amused. 

"I've seen some things about what two men um do together, in bed I mean," Soda asked nervously. "But I didn't think you'd be the one, y'know, taking it," 

Dally's amused smile was whipped clean off his face. This was not the question that he was expecting but it didn't take any time for him to recover. 

"Why would you think that?" Dally asked, which furthered Soda's embarrassment.  

"Well, I mean, you're one of those tough guys, y'know? I wouldn't expect you to enjoy having someone have that much control" He said, scratching the back of his neck. 

"Well people surprise you sometimes," Dally said easily. He thought Soda's explanation was pretty reasonable. But he really didn't have an answer for him. He liked what he liked, and that's all that really mattered to him.

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