kissing his scars (jally)

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tw: a bit of smut (a blowjob)- and mention of self harm and self harm scars

third pov

johnny was laying on the car seat in the lot, a small fire burning beside him. a crackle from the fire could be heard every few seconds, along with the young boy's breathing. johnny leaned his head back and sighed. he missed his boyfriend a whole lot, dallas always kept the young boy warm. right now the puppy-eyed boy was shivering as he pulled his jean jacket tighter around his body.

after about an hour or so, johnny began to drift off. that was, before he heard foot steps coming closer to him. johnny flicked out his switchblade and stood up slowly.

"johnny?" the random person questioned. johnny let a smile grace his lips as he realized who it was.

"oh they dallas," the younger boy said softly as he put his switch back in his pocket.

"what are ya doin' out 'er man? it's freazin'"

johnny shrugged, "it's alright. i don't mind it all too much. what about you, how come you're here?" the tan boy questioned.

"i came out 'er to get you man. don't want you freazin' on me. c'mon, we're going back to my place," dallas walked over and took ahold of his young boyfriend's hand and began walked ong towards his apartment.

"awh dal, really, it's okay," but dallas only shook his head and began walking faster.


the two teens arrived at an old run-down apartment building that they both knew all too well.

dallas took out his key after letting go of johnny's hand and unlocked the door. he walked in and held the door opened for johnny. the two then walked up three flights of stairs before walking down the hall to room 37. dallas unlocked this door and held it opened for johnny, again.

"and we're here. nice and warm, yeah?" dallas nodded towards the younger and took his jacket and shoes off, then walking to the living room. johnny following right after him.

dallas got johnny to sit down and then asked him, "do you want anything to eat? drink?" johnny only shook his head and smiled, "alright." dallas then sat down next to the younger, wrapping his arm around the younger's waist.

not long after, dallas began rubbing his hand up and down johnny's side. the brown eyed boy leaned into dallas side and smiled at the feeling of dallas' hand.

"hmm," johnny hummed happily.

dallas began to move his hand farther downwards and started rubbing johnny's upper thigh. johnny winced a bit, but it went unnoticed by the older.

dallas then smirked and turned to the younger, grabbing his hips and pulling him onto his lap. dallas then connected their lips in a heated kiss while rubbing circles into johnny's clothed hips with his thumbs.

dallas started to trail his lips down his boyfriends neck, sucking and kissing different spots on his neck.

johnny leaned his head back and moaned when dallas lightly but down on a spot on his neck, "god dallas~" johnny breathed out and rubbed his hands up and down dallas chest.

the younger's hands trailed down dallas' chest and reached for the hem of his shirt. he pulled the hem up and off of the older's body.

johnny then scooted back a bit and popped open dallas' jeans. right after doing so, dallas picked the younger up and wrapped his legs around his waist. dallas then connected their lips again and began walking to his room.

dallas kicked open the door and ran over to his bed. he threw johnny on to the bed and looked down at the younger with hungry eyes, "god, i want to fuck you so badly right now. you'd like that huh?" dallas leaned down to be face-to-face with his younger boyfriend.

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