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The constant beeping of my alarm clock pried my heavy-lidded eyes open.

Still in my sleepy daze, I lazily sat up as my brain began to circuit regularly again.

That's tough, though.

Being Captain of a squad in the Survey Corps is overwhelmingly exhausting. Nevertheless, I'm not one to complain about my job and protecting the people within the walls.

Even so, sometimes the overload of work causes me to become immensely tired. This is one of those days, and that's also when my short temper is more prominent.

Especially towards Captain Levi.

Ever since we have met, he and I clashed. Immediately.

My bold and audacious persona keeps me from being intimidated by anyone. That includes Levi, and when we had met he attempted to assert his dominant and stoic persona.

Which to his dismay did not affect me. Not even in the slightest, and I felt almost satisfied that his ego broke in front of me.

In conclusion, I despise him. And I'm certain he feels the exact same about me. But, I don't give a damn of how anyone thinks of me.

Excluding my little brother.

Crap! He starts training to join the military today!

I practically jumped out of my bed and sped to his room, swinging the door open quickly.

I relaxed when I saw him already awake, and ready for the day to begin.

He seems more organized than me, which isn't usually the case.

"Uh, is there something wrong?" Corbin queried, eyebrows raising.

"No, was checking to see if you were awake. Be ready in ten minuets."

His sky-blue eyes darted me up and down as he let out a chuckle. "You'll be ready in ten minutes? You aren't even in uniform!"

I playfully scoffed, "I can be ready within that given time, y'know!"


I walked along side Corbin until we got to his assigned training area, and he seems to be excited about his first day.

But, I'm worried about my little brother. He's always shown interest in following mine and our fathers footsteps.

I'm still not sure if he's doing this to make us happy and proud for him, or if he's doing it because he truly wants to.

I wanted to become a scout because to me, my dad was inspirational and brave. That's what I've aspired to be since I was a kid.

So, I joined.

I was second best in my class, and I was incredibly proud of myself for working long hard hours of their training.

Eventually, years later, I was appointed to a Captain of my own squad due to my abilities and the amount of Titans I've killed.

Which is right on the margin to Captain Levi, who was named Humanity's Strongest soldier. What a stupid name for a irritating guy.

"Well, I'll let you know how it goes!" Corbin loudly beamed, snapping me from my clouded thoughts.

"Yes, please do. Love you!" I softly said, patting his golden blonde locks.

Corbin knitted his brows together as he cheeks burnt red. "Stop! You're going to embarrass me!"

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