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Pieces of our villages houses were tossed through the air like they meant nothing.

Guts and blood were soaking the ground.

My friends being battered and devoured in a instant. Almost as if they never existed. Gone. Just like that. Forever.


I was running as fast as I could due to my ODM gear's gas being fully depleted.

Stomps, roaring, and screaming echoed the atmosphere.

Even though it was but a mere muffle to me.

My home. I was getting closer. I felt the comfortable warmth of my family heating up my body.

They weren't dead.

The gut feeling in my stomach told me so.

Turning the corner, my heart dropped. It became saturated with sorrow and disbelief.

"Corrina, run!"

Is what she yelled to me, desperately. The cracks in her voice gave away just how frightened she was.

But, even so, she smiled.

She repeated herself, louder this time, as giant hands gripped around her entire body.

Her legs kicked, her hands flailed. Her ocean blue eyes showcased defeat.

"Corrina, get out of here! Run!"

I couldn't. I was frozen.

There has to be something I can do.

Why can't I just move?

A blood curdling scream emerged as she became food for the monster.

A haunting, ear piercing scream.

It made me sick.

This world is hell.

"Hey! I won't say it again, wake up! We are leaving in twenty minutes!"

My eyes shot open, Levi's harsh voice waking me.

I groaned and sat up, recollecting myself from the nightmare I just had.

Or, was it a flashback dream about the past? Had that happened?

Whatever, I can't think about that right now. Though, the dream did take a toll on my body. My skin was covered with a sheet of cold sweat, and my breathing was heavy.

"Okay." I simply replied as I slowly stretched out my arms, calming down my breaths.

After the mission to search for survivors and to retrieve what Erwin sent Levi to get, we decided to lay low at a cabin just fifteen minutes away from the wall.

Of course, Levi put up a fight about it. But, so did my squad and I. When we go on missions we usually rest up for the night before heading back home.

"And when we arrive back be sure to bathe. You look like you showered in sweat." Levi criticized before leaving the room.

I badly wanted to run out there and punch him in the face for being snarky first thing in the morning, but, I'm freshly woken up and feel groggy.

I still had enough energy to be angry, though. Because just hearing Levi's voice irks me to the bone.

The door swung open once more, and thinking it was Levi coming in to scold me again, I snapped.

"Get the fuck out- I'm coming!"

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