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Welcome to the last majority chapters of Subtle! Brace yourselves.... It'll be a whirlwind of emotions!

Hope you enjoy!


"There's no more time to waste. We have to get in our battle formations."

It was Hange who gave the command, standing up straight in their new black scout uniform- an eyepatch clinging to her face.

Armin stepped forward. "Why did Eren attack already? Surely there had to of been a motive, right? He wouldn't hurt innocent people."

"We all don't know what's actually going on. But from the looks of it, that suicidal maniac started without us." Jean chimed in with a scowl on his face.

Hange shook his head. "Just get into formation." She repeated before turning towards Sasha. "Where did Corrina go?"

Sasha squinted her eyes in confusion. "I'm not sure. Last I saw she was arguing with Levi in the back."

Hange pinched the bridge of her nose, becoming agitated. She stormed over to the back of the blimp, pulling the door open aggressively.

And her irritation grew even more when she saw Corrina and Levi bickering next to an array of battle swords, ODM gear and gas.

"Would you two stop fighting for five seconds? I swear you both got worse after the breakup."

Levi glared at Hange. "We're broken up according to Corrina. And I have been the mature one about this. It's Avery who keeps picking arguments for no apparent reason."

He wasn't wrong. But she had a reasoning behind starting up unnecessary fights with Levi; and that's because she saw him and Mia kissing inside of his office six months ago.

"I have nothing else to say to him. I'm ready to go into battle. Let's go, Hange." Corrina deadpanned, purposely bumping into Levi on her way out of the back room.

Hange still was shocked the couple parted ways. They weren't on either side, however she thought it was fucked of Levi to cheat on Corrina when she was giving him happiness. But, something about the situation felt off to Hange. To him, Levi would never jeopardize something he loves just to kiss an irrelevant person.

She reached out and opened the door, letting Corrina go first before following her out. "I can't believe you guys didn't make up before this battle. So many things could go wrong. What if you regret not making amends?"

Corrina thought Hange was party right. If Levi or her was killed, there's a possibility each would drown in haunting regret. But, due to the cirumstances, she decided that she wouldn't care if Levi parishes.

Of course, she was lying to herself. She wants to not care if he dies, but she deep down knows that it would rip her apart forever.

She just can't get the image out of her mind.

The scene of Levi and Mia kissing.


   Corrina walked along the vacant hallways of the barracks, holding stacks of paperwork with one hand, and a steaming hot cup of tea with the other; for Levi.

These past three years have been kind to her. Levi opened himself up vulnerably, telling her all kinds of past traumas and stories about life before her and the survey corps.

She felt so happy that he was finally comfortable enough to talk about his pain with somebody. And it only brought the two closer, both of them falling deeper and deeper in love with each other every single day.

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