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Panic and realization sank into Corrina all at once, her heart beating out of her chest as her breathing became heavier.

She frantically peered around the wall, squinting her eyes to see the surrounding trees clearly, desperately searching for anyone.

But nobody was here.

Millions of questions invaded her mind. Like, where did everyone go? Did Reiner and Bertholt successfully murder every single scout? Are Corbin, Hange, and Levi alive? Did they retreat back to wall rose unharmed?

Corrina took a deep breath and decided to think long and hard about what to do in this situation. She sat down on the wall with her knees pressed to her chest, lying her chin on top of them.

The first thing she concluded was that Levi had to be alive. She knows how strong and powerful he is, and she just can't imagine a single person being able to kill Levi Ackerman.

He must be back at wall rose, with Eren, Mikasa, and Corbin. She truly believes Corbin is also alive, since she put him under Levi's surveillance.

Hange. The explosion.

Corrina's chest tightened, her stomach twisting in knots as a rising acidic feeling rose within her throat. Her blue eyes stung with tears, wanting to flow down her face. She hadn't let them.

She felt incredibly sick to her stomach, coming to the assumption that Hange was dead. She remembered Moblit pushing her into the well, but the heat could have traveled down and killed her.

Now wasn't the time to grieve. As much as this hurt, having to assume her best friend is now dead, she needs to focus on finding a way back to wall rose.

Corrina isn't sure how she is going to be able to make it back. She isn't sure she should even attempt it.

She had a thought, and so she checked her ODM gear, but she huffed with disappointment once she noticed the gas was almost completely empty. That being said, she can't travel back home using it.

She stood up and maneuvered the gear off from her battered uniform, and then sat back down to continue brainstorming ideas on how to get home.

Horses? No, I would have seen them.

Walking? No, I would eventually die from dehydration or starvation.

I can't use my ODM gear. However—

Corrina swallowed a lump in her throat as an idea surged through her brain. It was the only option, the only way to get home.

She pushed herself up, took her time in putting her ODM gear back on, walked to the edge of the wall and aimed the cables at the roof of the closest house, and then she was pulled through the air- until she swiftly landed on top of the house.

The pain from her burnt flesh was getting worse, and that notified her she has no more time to waste. She needs to get home and get checked out. More importantly, reunite with her brother and Levi. Lila too, she dearly misses her and can't wait to see her again.

Corrina slid down from the roof and climbed down the side of the house carefully, using the window sill to her advantage. She put her feet on the platform, peered down to see she was only a couple feet from the ground and decided to jump.

She stumbled as she made it to the ground, but was able to sturdy herself. She glanced up from the ground, her eyes widening at the tragic sight.

Bodies of her fallen comrades lying in their own pools of blood. Pieces of them ripped off, nowhere to be seen. The positions they were in inhumane, some unidentifiable from their flesh being slashed open.

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