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Corrina's adrenaline was pulsing through her veins, her entire body and mind blinded by utter rage from Levi.

She wanted to shut him up. To keep his mouth from spouting out vile words about her and her squad.

But- the how was the problem. Corrina didn't know what to do in this moment- time had stopped as she began thinking just how to make him be quiet for once in his life.

And Levi, he was also pumping with anger from Corrina.

How she always bickers back, how she thinks she is better than everyone else, how immature of a Captain she is. How she had the audacity to barge in his office without a say from him.

Corrina had an intrusive thought- a random one that could work if she attempted it- but- it would probably result in a mayhem of confusion.

However, the thick tension could be cut with a knife. Sliced in half like butter.

Their eyes bore into each other's- faces just inches away from one another- and Corrina thought maybe if she closed the space, it would take him aback and he would finally lay off from her.

It was a crazy idea. Simply because Corrina didn't have any feelings for Levi- not even a piece of her just wanted to be friends.

So, why did that pop into her mind?

Right, to shut him up. It quite literally would stop him from speaking- from putting her down negatively.

That's why she thought it. That was the only reason.

"Did you figure it out yet?" Levi muttered, quirking a brow.

Corrina had became absent minded- as her hand traveled up Levi's neck and grabbed it just below his jaw- like they had minds of their own.

Her fingernails dug into his flesh, blue eyes never ripping away from grey.

Levi felt her hand, and froze. Was she going to try and choke him out? That would be foolish if so, because he's able to counter anything she attempts.

But, the touch of her skin on his caused him to shutter, the foreignness of Corrina's hand on his neck, making him feel something... weird.. that he couldn't pinpoint what it was.

She leaned in- ever so slightly. "Mhm. I figured it out."

Now Levi was confused. He didn't know what to say, or what to do. He wasn't used to- being touched like this, because she wasn't tightening her grasp. She wasn't trying to get him unconscious.

He was... silent.

Corrina took notice how Levi was unmoved, not a word coming from his mouth. And she felt a rush of success that she was able to make him speechless. And she didn't even have to follow through with the entire plan- thank god.

He wouldn't understand, if she kissed him. Corrina was just going to do it to stun him into being quiet. But, her touch was enough to do so.

She darkly chuckled, squeezing Levi's throat before tearing her arm away from him, which snapped him from his fuzzy wave of confusion.

Levi glared hard at her, this entire moment flashing through his brain. He realized she got what she wanted, and he let her because he wasn't used to that form of skin to skin contact.

"Told you. Never underestimate me, Ackerman."

He was boiling with anger. Blood hot and body fuming.

Nobody gets under his skin like she does. Nobody can make him this irritable and maddened.

She's impulsive. Short tempered. Always has to get the last word. Too damn persistent. Never can remain calm or silent.

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