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I leave with Levi's squad tomorrow, to an old headquarters located in the outer region of wall Rose.

And I'm not looking forward to spending those days with Levi. His squad, sure. They're all nice and never speak poorly towards me, like he does. And I respect them for that.

At least Stephan and Lila are able to join me, so I'm not completely alone. I'm sure Hanji will stop by to talk to Eren about some of her experiments as well.

Corbin sleepily rubbed his eyes as he came out of the bedroom, a guilty expression forming on my face. I haven't told him I'm leaving yet, he has been through so much recently and I want to stay here to comfort him. But, I can't.

He huffed, "A mission already?"

I gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Corb. Something came up."

Corbin fake smiled, "Oh, that's cool. What are you doing?"

"I have to watch over someone with Levi. I can't really say too much." I responded.

His eyes then brightened. "The one who saved me? You should bring him around more just like Aunt Hanji!"

Hearing him talk about Levi that way, I couldn't find it in me to tell him the truth. He would be upset, like I was when I found out Levi wasn't a good person.

"Yeah, sure." I lied, but, Corbin grinned.

"I look up to him, ya know! He saved me, and brought you to get your gear! I want to be a soldier like him one day!" He beamed.

His words made the scene flash in my mind, reminding me that Levi did save his life. If it wasn't for him, Corbin would not be here anymore.

But, he had too. He didn't do it because he cares about me, hell, Levi doesn't even know I have a brother.

He did it because it's his job, so it doesn't change my mind about who he is as a person.

"That's good, Corbin." I managed to say.

Corbin stood in front of my desk and tapped his fingernails on the wood lightly, causing me to assume he wanted something.

"Anything you need?" I asked.

"Some tea?"

I glanced down at my exponential amount of paperwork, and then back to Corbin's pleading eyes, so I sighed and decided that I should make him some tea.


"Mhm." I simply replied, walking into the kitchen, filling a kettle with water before placing it on top of the stove. After turning the burner on, I leaned against the table that was in the middle of the kitchen, waiting for the water to warm.

Then a loud knock sounded on the door, making me groan from being torn from my paperwork once more.

"I got it!" Corbin announced as he ran to answer whoever it was.

All I could hear was mere muffles, Corbin's voice and another man's voice, but it was too quiet for me to pinpoint who is was.

The kettle screeched, so as the person could find me, I finished preparing the tea.

I also poured a third cup, because I assumed the person was Stephan, since we never got to go out to dinner. He's probably here to see if I still am interested.

Two pairs of footsteps halted behind me.

"Corbin, it's done."

He came up to the counter and grabbed it, giving me a quick thanks. He immediately returned behind me, to where Stephan most likely was.

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