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Warnings: grief, fighting, angst, blood, violence. Character death mentioned (manga spoilers)

This is the second to last chapter. Meaning the next update will be the end of this story...

I hope you all enjoy! (forgive if there's spelling errors)

It was quiet. Nobody dared to even breathe audibly. Nobody knew what to say, or what do to right now after what just happened.

All of those previous feelings Corrina had at the pond came haunting back, creeping their voices into her mushed up brain.

The guilt of always surviving when the good ones are picked off like they meant nothing.

Yet here she is, still alive. Even after everything she did. She thought about how vile she was to Levi before she knew him. She regrets judging him to quickly.

She regrets not believing Corbin was always on their side, when he joined the jaegerists to try and get the inside plans. She would do anything in her power to go back in time and force Corbin to come to the Forrest with her and Hange.

Maybe if things were done differently, both Corbin and Hange would still be alive. God, she wished that's the way it was.

But no. The world obviously has their own destiny planned out for them. Cruel decisions on who's time is up first.

It didn't make any sense. It really didn't. Corrina wasn't able to wrap her mind around how Hange and Corbin were taken away when it should have been her from the start.

The thing that bothers her the most is that she can't even kill herself anymore. Levi wouldn't have anyone he deeply loves left. She couldn't do that to him, not after Hange. But she so selfishly desires too.

Shes truly convinced she will now feel this way forever. The guilt eating away at her slowly until she's driven mad again and she impulsively tries to join them.

Though, there's Levi popping into her mind again. She remembers what Hange said about the couple, and it's stuck with her, but she isn't fully convinced that she'll be able to move on from this war.

How could she fall asleep knowing two people she loves will never come back? How can she just accept that they're gone forever?

Corrina had her face smothered in her hands, each elbow resting on her knees as she hunched forwards, tear stained skin with red blotchy tones adorning it. Bloodshot eyes that have lost their pretty, bright blue they usually had.

Soon the plane would arrive to the front lines. The war wasn't over yet, many enemies still remained— especially Eren and the Rumbling.

A worry flashed through Corrina. "Hey, How are you going to fight? Where are you going to go?" She asked Levi, finally breaking the silence.

His dull grey eyes darted to the floor. "I'll do anything I can. I'm fine now. I need to kill Zeke, the piece of shit beast."

Corrina was wary. It didn't sit right with her, knowing Levi was going to fight Zeke again but this time he wasn't all full power. Usually she'd be sure Levi would win, but after that explosion she doesn't know what will happen.

"Why don't I accompany you? With both of us fighting him, there is no way he'll survive." Corrina suggested. This idea made her more accepting of Levi joining the battle.

She noticed the slight hesitation he had. "I don't know. I made the promise to Erwin. It should be me and only me."

"No," Corrina scoffed. "Are you kidding me? We aren't letting you fight the beast alone."

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