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TW; // Talk of suicide, depression, self harm,  blood//


Three Weeks Later

   After Corrina finally had returned home, she was placed under critical condition in the infirmary with multiple casualties and wounds, making it hard for her to fight and stay alive.

Corbin was the most distraught over this. Various, horrible and gut-wrenching occurrences have happened to him over these past few months, and the stress and exhaustion is eating away slowly at his brain.

He is pushing through intrusive, unwelcome thoughts that randomly pop in his head. Dark and evil voices manipulating him to hurt himself, or do even worse, end his own life. Corbin is flooded with these everyday, every second he's awake. But when he tries to fall asleep— the voices become louder and impossible to ignore.

The only reason he musters up every drop of his strength to stay alive, is the hope Corrina could end up waking up.

She had been in a deep coma for two full weeks, causing everyone to slowly lose hope that she will make it. Her vitals and heart rate kept dropping, her skin turned a grayish color, her fingernails became brittle, and black and blue eye bags laid underneath her closed, tired eyes. Her burnt flesh was now scarring a bright pink, but they adorned her body covering her legs and arms. They won't return to their normal tanned, healthy skin ever again.

Corbin can't find the strength to look at her. He gets told all the information about her recovery by Hange and Levi, but he refuses to go visit her. Seeing his older sister practically on deaths door makes him extremely nauseous. He even finds himself throwing up just picturing his older sisters deteriorating state.

Hange stays with him in his and Corrina's home. She feels utterly distraught about Corrina too, she is the light in her life, she is her sister. They've shared so much blood, sweat, tears, secrets, and special moments together. It hurts Hange's heart, even physically. Chest pains and pressure have been bothering her lately, starting only after Corrina had returned home.

But she hides her true feelings inside, locked within a cage. Hange wants to put Corbin's happiness and feelings first, because she knows that is what Corrina would do in this situation.

She has been cooking dinners for them both, cleaning the entire house, keeping Corrina's paperwork up to date, and making sure Corbin is going to his training.

At the end of each day, Hange gives props to Corrina for doing all of this on her own. Taking in a child is hard enough, especially if they are also a scout in the survey corps. But to add on the shit ton of work as a Captain, having to look after and take care of herself, and a little boy—- it must be difficult.

But she had never once complained. Corrina was happy to watch over her little brother and treat him as her own. She was more than happy to comfort him, cool for him, do his laundry, and promise to keep him alive, to protect him forever.

Hange loved that about her best friend.

And she desperately, achingly, hopes for a miracle. One that will fix Corrina. One that will bring her back from the brink of death.

But, one can only hope.

Another long and dreadful week had passed by, which felt like an eternity to every person who loved and cared for Corrina Avery.

She showed no signs of getting better or waking up. Her figure started to slim so that you could see the bones inside of her body prominently. Her complexion was unbelievably pale, the eye bags underneath her eyes equivalent to that of two black and bruised eyes. Not only has her heartbeat decreased in speed, but so has her breathing.

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