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Corrina woke up, the dream and all the stress about it, no longer present in her mind. She had successfully, pushed it away once again.

Yesterday to her was merely fogged, since she had forgotten why she was acting differently.


There it was. The instant annoyance.

"Shut it, Ackerman. You have a pair of eyes, right? I'm awake."

Levi gritted his teeth. Yup, she was most definitely Corrina Avery today.

And a part of him was relieved.

"Leeeevvviiiii!" A women yelled down the hallway, the cheery voice belonging to Hanji.

He groaned, and Corrina vaguely smiled at her friends arrival.

Once she got to the door frame, she took a glance at Levi, and then to Corrina, grinning widely as her energetic aura radiated through the room, equivalent to the sunlight.

"Oh! Didn't know you two were discussing something!" Hanji looked Corrina dead in the eye, assuming she was trying to see him differently.

That wasn't the case.

Corrina chuckled, "Ackerman here was waking me up, being a bother may I add."

Levi rolled his eyes. "Tch, who was the one distracted all day long yesterday? It's amazing how you can't even clean a damn kitchen." He complained.

Hanji took note of that information, deciding to talk to the blonde later about it. She knew that Corrina being side tracked and not focused was odd, and very rare.

"Maybe I was exhausted from you! You ever think about that?" Corrina countered, getting up from the bed to stand in front of Levi.

"Corbin is doing excellent in the military training by the way!" Hanji chimed in, wanting the fighting to settle down.

The mention of  her little brothers name calmed her down. She turned to face Hanji and smiled.

"That's good. I'm glad to hear."

Hanji sighed with relief. "You should go out and watch over Eren for a little, Corrina."

She nodded, not batting an eye at her order.

After the blonde left the room, Hanji's upturned cheeky face fell into a straight one, lips pressing into a thin line.

"Was she actually distracted? About what? Did you do something again?" Hanji asked in a tangent, needing to know the reasoning behind Corrina's altered mood.

Levi pinched the bridge of his nose, quickly irritated from the brunettes multiple questions.

"Avery barley spoke or did anything I told her too. She would oblige with no problem, but she seemed lost within her thoughts. Even til two in the morning." He explained.

Hanji felt a hint of worry. She's never seen Corrina that way, ever.

"Did you guys get into a physical fight?"

He shook his head. "No matter what I say or do, the annoying brat always has to speak her mind. But, if that's the reason, no, it can't be."

"I agree. Corrina could care less about sulking to your words for an entire day. She would at least argue back." She huffed out a breath. "Did anything else happen?"

Levi then remembered how Stephan stepped out of line, but, he thought even that wouldn't cause Corrina to act so... emotionless.

"Nothing that would make her act like that." He responded.

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