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  "I didn't expect you to visit."

Corrina shrugged, her lips turned downwards as she glared at Stephen sitting on the bed inside of his jail cell.

"You messed up, but, so did I." She responded.

He chuckled. "It was all me, Captain. When I saw how close Levi had gotten to you, I got jealous because he always treated you horribly."

Corrina sighed as she leaned against the wall. "Levi and I aren't remotely close. That's where you're wrong."

He glanced at her slightly, growing embarrassed. "So, you still hate him?"

"Not exactly. More like barley tolerate."

He smiled with a closed mouth. "At least the fighting will dim down, then."

A moment of silence passed before Stephen spoke up again.

"Why did you come here?" He asked with sincerity, he was genuinely confused why she would show up after what he did.

Corrina mindlessly played with the sleeve of her jacket, thinking of the right words to say in response to that.

She, herself, wasn't sure.

"I don't know. You were always so... kind and loyal to me. I'm still confused about the fight. I never wanted that to happen. I didn't want to lose you." The last sentence was spoken with a soft whisper.

Stephen beamed at that. "Would you give me another chance?"

She let out a heavy exhale. "I want to be able to trust you again. I want to have what we had before, everything."

He nodded. "I can prove to you that I'm still a loyal friend. I promise."

Corrina held back a smile. "I'll have to talk work the commander about it first."

Stephen got up off his bed and walked to the bars that separated the two. "That means you forgive me?"

"Not exactly. But, I'm willing to give you the chance to fix your mistake. I'm not so sure Erwin will feel the same."

Before he had the chance to reply, echoing footsteps trudging down the stairs captured their attention.

Corrina glanced over her shoulder as her eyes met grey, it was Levi.

"Oh, hey." Corrina greeted him monotonously.

Levi arched a brow, not sure why Corrina was visiting somebody like Stephen after what he did to her.

"What are you doing here?" She spoke up once more.

"I could ask you the same." He vaguely answered.

Corrina sighed from slight irritation.

Stephen eyed both of the captains, getting the feeling of tension from them.

"Captain Corrina came here to make sure I was locked up." He lied, attempting to make Levi's blatant confusion die down.

He didn't believe it.

And Corrina didn't want Stephen to lie. She doesn't care that she visited him, he was a former member of her squad on top of being her good friend. There shouldn't be anything wrong with it.

"Actually, I didn't know the reason I came here. I guess I felt like checking on him."

"He was insubordinate towards a higher up. He deserves to remain in his jell cell until Commander Erwin and I decide otherwise."

"What he deserves is a second chance. Stephen made a mistake." Corrina side glanced at him and smiled, subconsciously remembering the good times they both had together. She wanted that back.

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