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Content warnings: mentions of grief, explicit smut, mentions of scars.

Hey everyone! Because Subtle hit 97k reads I thought I would post a bonus chapter!!! The support and very kind things you all say about this story is very much appreciated<3 I'm so glad you all liked this book, and thank you for everything :) !


It's been five amazing, exhilarating long years of Corrina and Levi living together after the battle of heaven and earth.

Although the haunting memories of being a soldier and all of those devastating occurrences have crawled into their minds like a parasite, they both have found their own type of peace; side by side.

And now, they have a beautiful five year old boy; Corbin Zoe Ackerman.

He was the breathtaking light of their lives. Corrina and Levi immediately fell in love. Corbin had Levi's dark black hair, but Corrina's stunning blue eyes. A perfect mix of them both.

During these past five years, Corrina and Levi have greatly ascended deeper in love. It might not seem possible, but they know every single thing about each other; mending their heart and souls into one.

Now that doesn't mean the two stopped their known arguing. Of course they have disagreements with parenting or different opinions on things, making Corrina snap at him time to time. And as usual, Levi wouldn't hesitate to bite back.

But never did they let it ruin the pristine relationship they shared. Every time, Corrina would own up if she was wrong, or if she snapped at him accidentally. And Levi would sincerely apologize not even minuets later, taking accountability for his actions or words. The pair communicated, something they lacked to do in the past.

Corrina and Levi didn't want to be those people anymore, they wanted to change for the better, for each other, so that they never went to bed upset. So that their love would only grow stronger, rather than diminish like water cascading fire.

It worked smoothly, this change successfully pouring warmth and light into their hearts.

Regarding Levi's injured leg from the war- over the span of five years he'd seen countless doctors, had multiple surgeries, and used a plastic prosthetic around it to keep it from buckling. Thankfully, now his leg is better than it was. He is able to walk fine, but of course no running, and he was told to be extra cautious so he wouldn't re-damage it. He still sometimes gets aches and dull pains, but his prescription medication works wonders.

Currently, Levi was preparing their meal which was Corrina's favorite beef stew, preferably when Levi would make it. Anything just tasted way better made by him.

That goes for Levi too, but specifically with tea. He had always thought nobody could make tea better than himself, however that changed the very first time Corrina decided to make his tea. He had said, "Not bad." To her face, but he was shocked to realize her tea tasted so intricate, nearly perfect, but at the time he refused to let Corrina know that.

Now he lets her know how delicious it was each time she made it, which would always result in Corrina giving him a wide, cute and toothy smile, and that was his most favorite sight to see.

Levi has never been more at ease in his entire life,  than he is being with Corrina every day.

Some of the old cadets joke that Levi has gone soft, but he found himself not caring if that was true, because he doesn't have to be a captain anymore. The fighting was over, no more vicious killing, no more titans preying on humans, he could finally let himself entirely relax.

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