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*TW; gory descriptions of torture/ violence, blood*


"I'll only ask you one last time. If you chose to not answer at all, I'm going to beat it out of you, and if that doesn't work, I'm going to kill you." Kenny spat with a devious smirk, gliding the sharp blade of the hand knife along the soft skin of Corrina's neck.

She shivered against the cool metal of the knife, sending shivers to rush down her spine. His words sounded genuine, which internally worried Corrina. She was in no place to disobey him, as she was tied up and gagged. There was no possible way she could get out of this situation herself, and it didn't seem like the scouts were coming anytime soon.

That being said, Corrina had two options. Give Kenny the information he desires, or protect Levi and the scouts by dying without saying a word about them.

And she didn't have to hesitate or think about the decision she made; die and protect those she cared about. It wasn't even a debate in her mind, she would never tell this man a single thing about the scouts, or Levi. Even if that meant death.

Corrina glared venomously at Kenny with narrowed brows. He smiled with amusement, finding it humorous how brave this girl was, and how she didn't seem to be scared at all.

But, it also fueled burning rage inside of his veins, it was almost as if she was mocking his strength and what he is capable of. He was going to show her, though. He wanted to make her terrified. To watch her suffer in despair until she breaks and tells him where Levi is.

Kenny gritted his teeth and pulled his smile into a thin line. Ever so softly glided the knife along her collarbone, shoulder, and down her arm, slightly pressing harder into the flesh of her wrist. Her eyes followed the knife, anxious knots forming in the pit of her stomach.

He was purposely building the tension and going slow, so that he could break and violently torture Corrina unexpectedly, hoping it could get a reaction out of her.

"Where is Levi? Where are the scouts? You'll tell me, right little lady?" He asked with persistence, taking a step back while retreating the knife away from her body, awaiting a reply as he pulled the gag of from her mouth once more, the built up saliva pooling in her mouth dripping down her chin.

Corrina bit the inside of her cheek, taking a long dragged out deep breath- silently preparing herself for a horrible beating and death. How could you prepare yourself for such a thing? There was no way she was ready for what was about to come, but that wouldn't matter. It was going to happen, and it made her feel sick. Utterly, disgustingly, nauseous. She could feel the spit salivating, the acidic liquid rising in her throat, but she held it back.

"I don't know a Levi. Sorry." Corrina muttered just above with whisper with a scratchy tone, not making eye contact with the man stood in front of her, knowing how angry he will become due to this response.

And she was correct.

She heard a faint chuckle of rage, almost identical to a scoff. However, she screwed her eyes shut, her heart pounding against her ribcage, just sitting there waiting to be killed.

Kenny wasted no time in beginning his vile plan to find out where Levi is. He stormed back over to the blonde and grabbed her face with one hand, four fingers squeezing the left cheek and his thumb squeezing the other, forcing her head to jolt upwards. She let out a wavered breath of air, still attempting to keep her eyes closed to better cope with this situation.

He quickly took notice of this, and did not like it. He wanted this women to see everything does to her. He wants her to feel everything he does to her. That way, she's easier to crack.

Kenny grabbed the knife from his front pocket and delicately put the point of the weapon on her eye lid, causing Corrina to jump back slightly. He put more force on it, cutting through the first layer of skin.

"Open your fucking eyes, or I'll make you."

Corrina began to shake.

But, she obliged, opening her eyes slowly.

Kenny widely smiled. "There you go! You're learning! Now maybe you'll tell me what I want to know."

Her eyes were dull, mindlessly trailing to a random spot of the wooden ground, vision blurring from dissonance.

He groaned from irritation, using one hand to pull her hair into a make shift pony tail, guiding her head to look in his direction, as his other hand balled into a tight fist, winding up behind him before smashing it harshly against her cheekbone. Not once, but three times in the same exact spot, breaking the bone in her cheek, a open wound cut slashing open and seeping out fresh, warm blood.

Corrina was absentminded. The best way to deal with this beating is to try to accept it by disassociating. She focused on a fake scenario within her mind where she was in her home making tea along side Levi. Corbin was rough housing with Hange in the living room, waiting for the other two to come out with the tray of steaming, delicious tea.

Kenny ripped her body forwards and kneed her in the gut, causing her to snap out of her daze for a split second so she could spit out the metallic blood that forced its way out of her throat.

When that did not work, he began to grow impatient. This was wasting precious time, and he needed to locate Levi soon.

So, he went to the back of the room and got his silver sword with rigid ends on the tip of it, and smiled to himself, assuming this would be the key to make her talk.

Kenny walked back over to Corrina and decided to make this action slow, painful, and agonizing.

Using the blade, Kenny started slicing individual deep cuts up her arm, making her body shiver with burning indescribable pain, her teeth clattering together as the sword kept slicing her soft, paper-like flesh open. Blood was endlessly pouring out of her petite body, painting her bare skin red, the tearing of the cuts making her eyes roll to the back of her head. And they wouldn't stop, the same vicious act repeated on the second arm, more warm liquid leaking from her veins.

At this point, Corrina was spinning with dizziness from the intense pain she felt, no thoughts were swarming through her brain, it was like her mind became nothing but a black whole of emptiness.

"Sir! We found Levi's whereabouts!"

Kenny spun around and smiled with relief, and then glared at Corrina with disgust written all over his face.

"Useless fucking bitch,"

He gathered saliva and spit it at her face, then backhanding her harshly, giving her yet another wound.

"Put her in the wagon. Maybe she can be helpful once we get to Levi."


Kenny smiled at Levi's shocked face, eyes widened with disbelief as he just witness him shoot and kill Nifa, one of Hange's squad members.

"Hey, Levi, are you missing anyone? A scout maybe?" He asked sarcastically.

Levi's gut twisted round and round. His gray eyes only opened wider, his body becoming momentarily paralyzed at this realization.

Kenny had Corrina.

"Wondering what I did to her, yeah?"

He ignored Kenny, his body shaking from anger. He might say he hates the blonde, but nobody lays a hand on her. Nobody captures her. Nobody who does these acts makes it out alive.

"You're going to have to find out!" Kenny yelled, aiming for Levi's head and shooting at him.

Levi used his cape to hide his body, the bullets cutting through the fabric.

"Kenny! Where the fuck is Corrina?!"


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