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     After slowly recovering from her recent accident out in the woods with the female titan, Corrina lays feeling empty and numb from Stephan's violent actions, resulting in more time in the infirmary.

Hange is sat next to her in a wooden chair, holding the blonde's hand while softly brushing her thumb over her skin, devastated for what she has been through.

Her wounds consist of multiple bruises scattered along her toned, petite body, but the most prominent one is on her eye; swollen red with dark colors surrounding it. Also, a large cut which has now been sewn shut sits on her left cheek.

But instead of letting herself feel the physical pain, she subconsciously chose to bathe in the heavy betrayal and sorrow that Stephan gave her.

And to think, she was excited for him to get let out of jail. Corrina had hope and believed that since they were once close, he could be able to change for the better.

She was wrong.

Corrina knows she was incredibly wrong, and that irritates the fuck out of her. How could she be so naive? So utterly blind and stupid to trust someone like him?

She also assumes that Levi thinks the same as her. And she's dreading the argument that's stirring up because of her mistake in trusting Stephan.

Corrina let out a low sigh as she rubbed her temple out of annoyance. She doesn't want confrontation right now. All she wants to do is avoid the situation and sleep.

But, knowing Levi, she won't get what she wants.

The blonde doesn't even dare to think about what Levi is doing to Stephan right now, because seeing how angry and riled up he was just from finding her beaten, was enough to know that he was definitely not going to hold back.


Outside, miles from the infirmary, light sprinkles of rain splash against the ground, while the humid warm air fills the atmosphere.

Stephan currently is crouching behind old beaten down wooden boxes, in a secluded alley way, hiding from the MP's, and more specifically; Levi.

Although he admits to himself that he's blatantly terrified of the Ackerman, he doesn't regret beating up his former Captain.

All those years ago, when Stephan caught a glimpse of her bright blue, oceanic eyes, and her golden soft blonde hair, he knew that love at first sight was real. Because in that slow motion like moment, he fell deeply in love with Corrina Avery.

Stephan became determined to be an amazing scout. Kill multiple Titans. Act kind and nice all the time so everyone thinks you're a good person. So she thinks you're a good person.

Then, she would finally acknowledge him. She would finally look at him, talk with him, and bond with him. That way she will fall in love with him, just like he was with her.

However, once he realized that Corrina only thought of him as a friend, comrade, and partner, something switched in his brain, and that's when he changed into a jealous, possessive person.

He wanted her to himself. Craved the feeling of being loved by such a perfect person. Stephan always thought Corrina was nothing but perfect.

But, the day Corrina left him at the dinner table, leaving him alone and a feeling of rejection, all he wanted to do was make sure she would be hurt next. To top it off, he found out she left due to Levi. Everything was about Levi.

How much she despises his entire being, their fights and arguments, disagreements, different ways of being a Captain, the despicable words he spit out, and the disrespect he displayed everyday.

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