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Warnings: Talk of death and major character death (MANGA SPOILERS)

Well, everyone. This is it. The last chapter of Subtle is here. I hope all of you lovely people enjoy it!

Chapter fifty-five: a place where lovers go

The last thing Corrina remembered was looking out into the view of the war next to Jean and Connie before her mine went blank.

And suddenly, what felt like not even a second, she was back again. It was almost like a blink of darkness and then she could open her eyes and be aware of her surroundings.

She instinctively looked around to figure out what had happened, but once she saw an array of titans turning into people, she was reminded of what occurred. She was supposed to be transformed into a mindless titan.

Maybe she had been and that's why her brain is all disoriented and mushy. Maybe that's why it felt like she was out for a second.

The sun was bright on Corrina's eyes, so she squinted them to focus her vision back on the scene to see if she could find anyone she knew.

But the air was flooding with steam from all of these titans  turning back into humans. It clouded the atmosphere, making it foggy and extremely hard to see anything.

Corrina walked slowly, watching her feet so she didn't fall or trip. She used her hands and put them outwards too check if something would be in her way. She had not the slightest clue where she was going, but she'd hope to run into someone soon.

Finally, she spotted the back of somebody's head. Their hair was blonde and braided down shoulder length. But what caught her off guard, was that fact that this person was wearing a green cape. Nobody in the scouts really wore that anymore besides Levi from what Corrina could recall. This wasn't Levi though, that was clear.

Even so, she approached them from behind and tapped on their shoulder. She stepped back to give the person some room.

As the person turned around, Corrina began to make out who it was. The persons side profile came into view and tears stung inside of Corrina's eyes.

She couldn't believe it was him.

Corbin was fully facing her now. His lips upturned in the biggest smile she's ever seen. His blue eyes sparkling from the shining sun. He was looking right into hers.

Corrina felt like she couldn't move an inch but she desperately wanted too. Seeing him again, like this, almost as if he was still alive, it filled her entire body with radiant warmth. She felt genuine happiness.

"How... are you here?" Corrina asked, shock still running through her.

He didn't reply, just titled his head and smiled one more time before looking at something from behind him. Corrina flicked her attention to what he was looking at, and more tears flooded down her face.

Corrina's shaky hands cupped her mouth, a grin forming underneath them.

Lila, Hange, and Sasha came into view. All of them starring right into Corrina's wide eyes. Each plastered on a smile as they saluted her.

Corrina let out a chuckle through crying. She took a deep breath and saluted back to them, satisfaction and joy swallowing her.

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