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During the cadets ODM gear training, Stephan stopped by to check on me.

Which I appreciate. Immensely. Dealing with a loss this great is so much easier when you have good friends in your life, mine being Hanji and Stephan.

"You should be home." He suggested.

I titled my head up to look at him.

"I'm fine, really. I'd rather be here than sulking to myself." I answered.

He chuckled. "Yeah, you hate sulking."

I laughed along with him.

A blush then appeared Stephan's cheekbones as he scratched at his ashy blonde hair. "So, I have been meaning to ask you something."

My eyebrows furrowed. "What is it?"

His eyes moved from mine to behind me, a silent pause taking over us.

"Well, would you want to maybe.. get dinner with me?" He finally asked.

Why was he having a hard time saying that? He and I have been close for the three years he's been in my squad... I don't get it, we have gotten dinner together plenty of times.

Before I could respond, Levi interrupted us.

"Avery, go see how Connie is doing. He tends to struggle with ODM gear."

"On it." I blandly said.

Stephan seemed to look... disappointed? Upset?

I reached for his jacket sleeve and tugged on it, earning his attention back on me.

"Obviously I'll get dinner with you. But, why were you acting like I would say no?" I asked, genuinely confused.

He gulped. "Corrina, I like you... more than a friend."



In that moment I froze, and became momentarily shocked at his sudden confession.

One fact about me is I've always been too driven by being a soldier, which basically means I never gave a thought about having a boyfriend or girlfriend.

I never even had a crush, love and relationships are far from my mind. My goal is to help save humanity in keeping the walls standing, slaughtering any Titans that get in the way.

The only time I've truly thought about it... was right now in this very moment.

To be honest, I'd probably be a horrible girlfriend. I devote all my time to the scouts and then the rest goes to my little brother.

But, dating someone in the scouts would give me that time to see them, but the major dilemma with that is, they are here to give their life if need be.

I don't want to fall in love, only to watch them die.

Even so, I would feel bad rejecting Stephan. There's nothing against him- he very sweet and has consistently proven his loyalty. We haven't even bickered, not once.

The idea of a relationship isn't so bad, there's just that fear of them dying. Then again, everyone dies.

I jolted from my overthinking from being shaken back and forth by somebody.

I saw Stephan still standing in the same spot- yeah, I know who the hell it was.

"Earth to Avery, I gave you an order." Levi reprimanded in that low bothersome voice of his.

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