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Muffled voices. A women's voice? No, maybe a man's. But what they were saying sounded like distorted speaking, nothing could make sense or form into real sentences.

Aching, tender and raw burning pain throughout the blonde's veins, and her entire body. Her head felt as if a rubber band was pressed around it, her foot was tingly and filled with sharp knife- like pain, her ribs felt intently strained and emitted a burning flare every time she breathed.

However, she didn't have the capability to process anything going on around her. Her eyes felt like they were superglued together, they refused to open even though she tried her hardest too.

Then, she had passed out once more. The voices came to a stop, as did the pain. And everything felt peaceful, it that quick, undying moment.

"Listen to me! Levi is hurt too! His entire squad is dead as well as Corrina's except for Corbin and Lila! We can't lose her too, please!"

It was the plea of heartbreak from Hange, tears forming in her eyes as she spoke. She glanced down at her unconscious bestfriend, who was on the verge of death.

Soldiers die every day. It can't be stopped, and she knows that even if it's hard to accept.

But, this, she can't accept this. She won't. Corrina is like her sister, her family, even if they don't share the same blood.

And she refuses to believe that Corrina is near death, because she has immense hope in her heart that she'll make it out of here alive.

Lila, who was trying her hardest to hold back tears, helped Hange strap and secure Corrina to her back, and held her hand as she got on her horse.

"We have to retreat and get her to the infirmary. Get on your horses—- you too Corbin! Snap out of it and get out of here!" Hange screamed, worked up from how much damage this expedition caused.

Corbin stood with his back facing both women, waterfalls of tears streaming down his red, flushed cheeks.

He already lost his mother and father.

But, Corrina dying would be catastrophic to him. Because his mom died when he was just a young boy, and his father was never around, always at bars and then died suddenly.

He couldn't even remember his mother's face. When he thought about a parent, Corrina always flashed through his mind before either of them.

She was there for him. Taking care of him like he was her own. Cooking dinners, buying clothes, comforting him, raising him to be brave and strong— it's all thanks to Corrina.

If she dies- he will too. His soul, his mind, everything will become dark just like a black hole, lonely inside of the vast universe.

He can't be alone. He resents being without her, he can't think of living without his big sister being apart of it forever.

Corbin jumped from the feeling of a soft, cold hand being placed on top of his shoulder. He didn't move a muscle, though, he was in too much distraught.

"I know it's hard to know that she is in bad condition, it's hard for me too. She's been my captain ever since she was appointed captain, and she's my closest friend. I can't image being her relative at this moment, but, you aren't alone. So many of us care about your sister, and she is going to get the best care at the infirmary. Have hope that she'll make it out alive. Corrina is strong, and she doesn't want to die. That should be enough to know that she will pull through."

Corbin wiped his stray tears away and spun around to face Lila, who was giving him a warm smile.

He knows Lila is right. If Corrina can stay strong in the condition that she's in, he can too.

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