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I'm back again! Also, confirming now that after this chapter there will only be two more left:( It's bittersweet nearing the end of this story, as I've been writing it for a year and a half now, but unfortunately these last chapters are where this particular story ends.

This one contains major manga spoilers btw *character death*

Warnings: violence. Blood. Gore. Fighting. Angst.  (aot manga spoilers)

Levi watched as his friends and past enemies fought their old comrades together.

It was an unusual feeling, of course. Obviously he couldn't tell anyone that he still hates the marleyian traitors, since it doesn't matter anymore. He knows stopping the rumbling and Eren is more important than holding a grudge.

But he can't help it. Flashes of his deceased squad members crossed his mind. Annie's female titan viciously slaughtering them with no remorse.

This didn't sit right with him. And the worst part is that he can't do anything about it. He's well aware they need the extra hands and not to mention three titan shifters.

Even so, he wonders if Zeke hadn't blown both of them up, if he would be so accepting of this decision. He wonders if he would have already killed them all for revenge.

Hell, if this was him before the explosion, he's sure that campfire could have turned out way worse. He even would be able to threaten them.

But now, now he felt as though he was nothing. He's hurt badly. Can't fight. Can barley move. Can't even speak a full sentence without his chest burning and pain coursing through his body.

Pathetic. He thinks that he's pathetic. And nobody can convince him otherwise.

Why else would he be sitting down on a rock, watching as people he loves fight with every part of them. Needing the strength to kill people you once called your friends.

As bad as it sounds, he so desperately wants to be out there in the action. Helping his friends with the immense power he once held.

Although Levi was deep in thought, his eyes never left Corrina Avery. Every move she made his eyes were right on her, making sure that she was okay. He hated this.

Corrina is currently standing on the docks with Connie and Armin. They all hatched a plan and we're in the middle of it.

However it wasn't working out at smoothly as they hoped it would. Samuel and Daz were also on the docks. Two people that, even to this very moment, are considered their friends.

Armin was trying so hard to reason with Daz and Samuel. Trying to convince them that they weren't the bad guys, that this is the way it has to be.

But in an instant- Armin called out to Daz, arm reached out— and during that same second, Samuel pointed his gun directly at Armins face and pulled the trigger.

The bullets rippled through Armin's once perfect face, destroying the flesh as it tore out from his body, replaced with gushing blood. His jaw fell open, chunks of his own skin and blood pooling out of it and onto the docks. The other bullet holes were leaking out, staining his white shirt deep red.

Corrina and Connie stood there frozen in place for what felt like eternity, not knowing what to do next. They knew Armin could regenerate, but that isn't the point. The point is, that Samuel also called them friends but still shot for his beliefs.

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