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Chapter warnings: blood, violence, CHARACTER DEATH ! , depression, thigh riding.

    "What are you doing over here?"

It was Levi that asked, his eyes widening and confusion growing as he spotted Corrina running towards him.

He wasn't sure if something was wrong, but seeing Corrina worried him since her position was nowhere's near the main battle.

She was relieved that Levi was still alive, although she had assumed he wouldn't be dead. But the confirmation makes her feel better. She also knows now she is going to be heavily scolded for breaking the orders she was given.

"Things we're settling down at my spot," she explained, eyeing the hectic battle between Eren and what she thought was the war hammer titan. She looked back at Levi. "And so I wanted to come check if you guys needed some help."

Levi didn't buy it. Does she really like breaking rules this much? To risk her own life? He wasn't shocked at all, but having her revert back into her old habits made him annoyed.

"Just go back to Sasha. We have everything handled here." He replied flatly.

Corrina glared at him. "From the looks of it, Eren's doing all of the fighting."

He clicked his tongue. "Each person has their official orders. Go do yours."

She rolled her eyes at him, irritated that he was starting an argument in the middle of the invasion. But he wasn't the only reason she came here.


Where was Corbin?

"No." She snarled. She watched as his eyes narrowed, anger crossing his features. "My brother is still out there. I know one of Connie's jobs was to find him, but as his sister I decided to find him myself."

Now Levi was fuming inside. She was acting impulsively once again, like she always would in the past before he fell in love with her. It bothered him so much because he thought she changed for the better, and he was certain she would stop being reckless and selfish.

He understands how hard it must be; her only family left is missing during a bloodshed filled battle. However, she is a soldier and their jobs are supposed to come first.

"Trust Connie. He was given that order for a reason. I thought you were done  acting like this."

Corrina didn't respond. Her mind was too chaotic to deal with bickering right now. All she wanted to do was make sure Corbin was safe.

She stood there, hand clutching the blade to her sword. "Levi, please let me do this. Corbin is like a son to me. Don't you care about him too?"

Of course he cared about Corbin. After dating Corrina for four years, he and the scout grew close. He would never say it aloud, but he viewed Corbin as a son too.

Worry for him was on the back of Levi's mind, but it wasn't his duty to go and find him. He was putting his trust onto Connie, as much as that bothered him. He gets why Corrina is panicking, he really does. But he also knows how much stronger Corbin is now, due to Levi training him everyday.

"Corbin is fine. It's okay to assume the worst for someone you love. But, you of all people should know how strong he is. Put your trust into him, too."

Levi's voice was much softer now, and his words did calm Corrina down a little.

Just as she was about to respond, Corrina glanced behind Levi and noticed that Eren was drinking blood from the war hammer titan, which means he now has that titan too.

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