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   All she could do was lie on the moistened grass, ribs bruised as she wheezed every time she breathed in heavily.

All she could feel was the immense pain eating away at her left foot, so painful that if her ribs weren't damaged she would be screaming from how bad it was hurting.

All she could smell was blood. Blood pouring out from her friends, and blood pouring out from the gash on her head. It smelt like disgusting strong metallic, that burnt her nose.

And she couldn't do anything. She couldn't move a single inch to check on her squad, her brother, Hange, or even Levi.

Knowing they could be suffering the same as her, or even worse caused a Extreme nauseating feeling to twist knots inside of her stomach.

But, she was unable to help.

Suddenly, the ground beneath began to harshly shake, signaling to her that the titan was approaching near to where she was.

Was this it for her?

*Several hours earlier*


The long dragged out call of the blondes name woke her from her nap, that was much needed after the intense night of drinking she had.

She was glad to instantly recognize the voice, to which belonged to Hange, who already let herself in to Corrina's home.

Corrina lazily sat up and rubbed at her heavy lidded and exhausted eyes, attempting to gain some energy by standing up to find her friend.

She walked around the corner to the hallway connected to Corbin's room, where she spotted Hange peeking through the cracked door.

"Time to get ready, Corbin!" She excitedly expressed before turning around to greet Corrina with a wide smile.

"You look horrible, god how much did you drink?" Hange asked while snickering, examining how tired the blonde looked; dark eye bags that adorned her pale skin.

"A lot," she chuckled. "What time is it?"

"Five thirty. We leave in approximately two hours."

Corrina groaned.

Hange then raised her eyebrows up and down as she made her way towards Corrina, wrapping one arm around her.

She was used to Hange's odd actions, but this alarmed her brain as she remembered kissing Levi last night; something that she desperately wanted to forget.

Does she know? Was I acting weird? Did Levi say something? Was he acting different?

Tons of questions swarmed through her mind, trying to figure out why Hange was being this way. The only reasonable answer was that she found out about her and Levi, which she wasn't even planning on telling anybody, because she wanted to pretend it never happened.

Corrina rubbed her head with irritation before blurting out the dreaded question, "What's going on, Hange?"

"Ohhhh, nothing." She paused. Hange twisted Corrina around quickly and then shouted, "Just that you kissed Levi and didn't tell your best friend about it!"

The blondes eyes shot open, her heart sinking into her stomach as the worst had come true.

"Well, I don't know who told you that. It's a lie." Corrina played dumb, hoping that Hange would believe her. She didn't.

"Oh, come on. I bugged Levi until he told me. Both of you were acting weird when I came back to his office. I finally got it out of him, but it just makes me confused. I thought you hated him."

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