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The horses stopped as our squads approached the battered and destroyed village. Buildings were crumbling, the air smelt of blood.

I felt uneasy as I scanned around, looking for survivors. But, my eyes didn't lie on any.

I awaited for Levi's command, though I wanted to send my squad around the village to make sure there wasn't civilians alive.


The Ackerman displayed a stoic expression, but I could tell he was thinking of what course of action to take.

He cleared his throat before answering, "There could be Titans anywhere. Me, Avery, oluo and Lila will clear out the village. The rest of you search for survivors."

I smirked with satisfaction at hearing Levi command that I help with killing the Titans. That's how it should be, of course.

"I'll go with Lila!" Oluo announced, sending Lila a smirk, making me become agitated since that means I'm stuck with Levi fucking Ackerman. I'd rather get eaten by a Titan. 

Lila apologetically smiled at me as she kicked her leg gently against her horse, signaling for him to begin walking.

Oluo's  horse strutted next to her as he began making small talk, which was great for them.

Unfortunately for me, all I had to look forward to was fighting with Levi plus rampaging Titans. Not so great.

Levi shot me a glare while letting out a 'Tch.' Just by hearing that, I knew that he was also against being partnered with me.

"Shouldn't we head in?" I asked, breaking the loud silence that fell upon the air after Lila and Oluo left us alone.

Levi's almond shaped eyes squinted, his brows knitting together. "Start going-."

Our conversation was interrupted as pounding emerged from the ground underneath us- letting us know there was a decent sized Titan coming our way, ready to devour our bodies.

I looked behind me in the direction of the thumping footsteps, my golden blonde hair dancing with the wind as I did so.

A fifteen meter Titan with a large stomach popping out was running directly at Levi and I- and the look of desperation for us was prominent from the speed it was sprinting.

However, as always, I didn't fear it. The feeling of excitement washed over me like a warm summer breeze, with determination laced within it.

I glanced at Levi. "I'm going to kill it."

It was a demand, and I assumed he would ignore me and go for the kill himself, but, to my surprise, he just nodded in response.

But, now wasn't the time to think about why Levi suddenly decided not commence an argument with me.

Instead, a smile tugged on the corner of my lips as I sturdied myself on top of my horse- making sure that I was balanced enough to use my ODM gear.

I focused my vision only on the Titans body and the way it was running, studying its movement thoroughly, but, quickly.

When it's right foot was stomped on the ground, it's left shoulder titled upwards a bit- which was perfect to my advantage.

I waited for the Titan to step again, and once it did, I aimed and released my grappling hooks at its shoulder. The hooks successfully plunged into the Titans flesh, and I swung through the air a little behind the Titan, and then flung backwards until I was above it's nape.

In one motion I took out my swords and spun around, slicing deep into the nape, sending a spurt of it's blood to splatter on my face.

Keeping the hooks inside of the Titan, I carefully stood on his upper back as it flopped limply to the ground, making a dust cloud thicken the cool air.

I unhooked the grappling hooks while returning my swords into the holster as I jumped down from the freshly killed Titan.

Looking up at Levi, he had the same plain and bored facial expression displayed while I had a smile curved on my lips.

After seeing his dissatisfied glare my smile pressed into a straight line.

God- nothing will make him think highly of me! I have put in years and years of hard work and dedication to get to the position I'm currently in, and this is how he thinks of me?!

Wait- why do I even give a single shit what he thinks about my skills? I know they're great, and so does Commander Erwin. That's why I'm a Captain and have my own god damn squad.

'Humanities Strongest,' they say.

Well, Levi Ackerman. I'm coming for your spot. I will become the strongest soldier one day, so don't forget it.

"How long are you going to stand there? You managed to kill one Titan, so pipe down on the overconfidence and get on your horse."

I balled my hands into tight fists, my short temper getting the best of me.

He drives me crazy.

I inhaled deeply and exhaled, forcing myself to calm down before I snap. This isn't what the mission is about, we have a job to do.

And I will not let his snide remarks anger me. I will manage to keep things professional and mask my irritability with a calm composure.

"You're right, Levi."

The befuddlement was blatantly  jutting inside of his grey eyes- which only fed my self esteem. This is way more entertaining than fighting with him.

I got on my horse and awaited his next orders as the confusion diminished from his eyes.

He hesitated, but then spoke his command, "Stay beside me at all times while we go inside of the Village. I have to search for what Commander Erwin sent us for."

For now while I'm putting on the obedient act, I ignored the part where he mentioned that he was going to search for the object Erwin sent him to locate.

But I'm still maddened because I wasn't told what was being searched.

I replaced my hidden rage with a toothy grin. "Okay, lead the way, Levi."

Levi kicked his horse, making him walk, and I followed suit. 

"Cut the shit already. It's obvious how much you're faking  obedience. I'm well aware just how much anger is flowing through you right now."

That asshole.

"How could you possibly know that?"

"Because I know that you despise being belittled. Especially by someone who's higher up than you. Also, the way you pathetically smiled after you killed that Titan gave away how much you wanted me to praise you."

Is he really that egotistical? Fuck, he fucking makes me fill with immense rage that it could drive me to insanity.

I immediately broke the mask and yelled out venomously, "Go fuck yourself, Levi. You know absolutely nothing about me! But, I know that you are nothing but a short fucking bastard who enjoys making other peoples lives a living hell, more intense than the one we're currently living in!"

Tension clouded us.

My eyebrows furrowed, glaring at him even though he was in front of me enough to where I could only view the back of his head.

Only a muttered 'Tch' could be heard.


Hi I got carried away and drank so I stayed up until 4 am to finish:)

Hope everyone is doing well. :)

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