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Three weeks later

After an eventful filled couple of days after the expedition, Annie fought against Eren in his titan form along with many of the scouts.

She's now crystallized herself, causing no further interrogation to find out how she could turn into a titan, and where she came from, or why she attempted to kidnap Eren.

Of course, Corrina was angry and stubborn about not being aloud to fight along side with the scouts. She constantly asked Hange, Levi, and even the commander if she could help.

They all said the reasonable answer, which was a huge no. Her injuries three weeks ago were still fresh, and there was a strong possibility she would be hurt more.

Corrina remained in the infirmary, as her broken foot was taking longer to heal than the doctor originally presumed.

The gash on her forehead was merely a light pinkish scar now, and the bruising on her ribs all but faded away.

She is constantly irritated that she isn't able to do her job, or even paperwork since she's forced to stay in the infirmary until her foot gets better.

Corrina is profusely boiled to the brim with anticipation. All she wants to do is go back to her normal duty as Captain, killing Titans and keeping the people inside of the walls safe.

But, right now she feels utterly useless.


Corrina laid sideways on her bed, propping her elbow so that she could rest her head on top of her palm.

She absentmindedly starred out of the open window, relishing in the warmth from the shining sun, while watching the grass sway back and forth due to the slight breeze.

The blonde jumped at the loud sound of the door creaking open, so she sighed and sat up as she peered to see who it was.

Lila greeted her with a bright smile. She had a tray of today's breakfast on it in one hand, and a glass of steaming tea in the other.

The brunette shut the door with the back of her foot before walking over to Corrina, placing the tray carefully on her lap and the tea on the bedside table. She then grabbed the nearest chair and pulled it up so she was sitting on the right side of the bed.

Corrina was appreciative of the gesture, but she wasn't feeling hungry right now. Nonetheless, she knows it's probably best to try and eat something.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do this. I know you're probably busy since you're temporarily in Hange's squad." Corrina said as she picked up her fork, stabbing a piece of meat.

Lila clicked her tongue. "It's actually entertaining. Anyways, I don't mind a single bit. You need to make sure you're taking care of your health."

"Yeah, I know. Ever since I got stuck in this tiny ass room I always feel useless and angry. I want to be out there fighting. I want to be working along side you again." Corrina explained.

Lila hadn't ever heard her captain be this vulnerable towards her before, but she loved that Corrina was expressing her feelings and not holding things in. It goes to show how close they have gotten.

"I'm sorry, Captain. But, don't say you're useless to me ever again. You are the bravest and most noble scout I've ever met, and you continue to inspire me by how strong you are everyday."

Corrina couldn't help but bask in her kind words. They made her feel slightly better about herself, knowing someone thinks so highly of her like that.

She brought the piece of meat to her mouth and took her time with chewing, before swallowing it. She grabbed the warm tea from the table and drank half of the glass, all of it making her get into a better mood.

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