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  The bright midnight stars twinkled in the sky like a elegant dance, the light laminating off from blue mesmerized eyes.

Corrina laid on the moistened grass, legs bent up at the knee.

After the acceptance, life has been a wave of warmth washing over her through her entire body and soul- making her view the world and the people around her differently.

It has only been a day since Hanji and the scouts left to inform Erwin of the previous events, during this time no Titans have returned.

She was certain that everything would be alright, Levi was here with her of course. He is humanities strongest soldier.

And she was strong in her own way, too.

Corrina snapped from her thoughts as she felt a known presence coming from behind her, so she titled her head to meet Levi's gaze.

Using her right hand, she patted down on the wet grass next to her, giving him an invitation to sit with her.

Levi still had a weird twisty feeling stirred in his stomach due to the blondes strange actions.

Nonetheless, he crouched down next to her and their eyes simoatainisly peered at the array of scattered twinkling stars that stretched on for what it seemed like forever.

"The brat is inside sleeping." Levi spoke up, tearing through a fallen silence.

The blonde hummed, acknowledging his words.

No counters. No sign of anger present anywhere within her.

That irked Levi, assuming that she was putting on another act. Why wasn't she lashing out at him merely for  speaking? Why wasn't she glaring at him with harsh venomous eyes?

Corrina took a quick look at him from the corner of her eyes, forcing herself to hold in a chuckle from how confused he appeared to be.

Eyes squinted, brows knitted together, lips pressed into a thin line.

She directed her vision back to the sky. "I can tell you're annoyed with me."

"Avery, I know that you are doing this just to irritate me. You are full of yourself, cocky, arrogant, short-tempered."

"And you're not?" She teasingly shot back with a smirk. Her voice wasn't monotone or maddened, just pure amusement.

Levi let her words sink in, feeling his bothered emotions rise. He wasn't cocky or short-tempered, right?

"Tch, so say this isn't a facade. Has the Avery gone soft?"

This time she laughed. "It's not that I've gone soft, Levi. Quite the opposite, actually. Letting yourself feel everything you've gone through, pushing through it to drive your determination, that makes me all the more thick skinned and strong willed."

His squinted eyes widened the slightest bit, understanding exactly what she was talking about. Taking what you've lost from this cruel world, and using that to your advantage to further increase your resolve.

That is a the equivalent of what he decided to do. And this was coming from the known, immature self-absorbed; Captain Corrina Avery.

"I get what you mean."

Corrina glanced at him. "Let's go inside, it's getting cold out here."

As she prepared to stand up, Levi tossed her his green wings of freedom cape, without making eye contact with her.

He didn't know why he did it. Perhaps subconsciously?

Corrina draped it over the top half of her body, the warmth of the cloth heating her skin pleasantly. She appreciated the gesture, said action causing her to further believe Hanji may be right.

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