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!!This story will tie into season four of attack on Titan, therefor the next chapter will include the four year time skip along with spoilers. If you haven't read the manga or watched season 4, read at your own risk for major spoilers. !!

Chapter warnings: NSFW, riding, smut, vaginal sex, choking, degradation, praise, dom! Corrina, slight dom! Levi.

Corrina knew things would change drastically due to the enemies on the other side of the sea. Her gut twisted in knots, sending many sorrowful scenarios to cross her mind.

She was finally happy with her life. Finally felt like she had a purpose other than living to fight.

Levi taught her that life is more than just bloodshed and tears. Because when she was sat next to him, basking in each other's company; contentment warmed her skin like the shining sun. Nothing else was on her mind except Levi Ackerman.

Corbin was a reminder that she was a good person. She raised a respectable, strong young soldier with absolutely no help.

Hange would be her sister for life. Shared blood or different blood; Corrina whole heartedly felt like Hange was her family.

She had friends. All of the scouts bonded with her a lot after the battle to retake wall Maria, more specifically Sasha Brouse.

Sasha was radiant and always showing positive attitude no matter the situation. She showed Corrina that it's okay to not be okay, and to still smile and cherish the good things in life while it's falling apart.

Corrina was happy.

She desperately wants nothing to change. But this change is unfortunately inevitable. And although she knows that, it's a fact; she refuses to accept it.

Perhaps each one of them will make it out alive.

Perhaps things won't have to be that different.

But, that's wishful thinking.

And in a world like this; hope is foolish.

Corrina slowly sat up on the end of Corbin's bed, where she had previously been trying to get some sleep. Her and Corbin stayed up late talking about many different stories that happened during their lifetime.

It was a nice conversation, however it kept Corrina's mind fully awake to swim around various intruding thoughts that wouldn't shake away, no matter how hard she tried to think about a distraction.

She glanced over at Corbin, who was fast asleep. His mouth was parted slightly, small snoring sounds coming out from his nose. His arms were securely wrapped around a spare pillow, his eyes fluttered shut.

Corrina pondered on wether she should let him remain on her squad. The only reason being maybe this will ensure his safety. But, the downfall is that he is a useful soldier to have fighting. He's proven time and time again that he's extremely focused and poised; along with being decent at killing titans.

He would feel betrayed if she doesn't let him fight. And it would be selfish of her, because even though she wants him to stay alive so he can live a long happy life; she wants him to stay alive so she doesn't lose anyone else in her family.

Corrina wrapped her arms around her bent legs and rested her chin on top of her knees; her eyes scanning Corbin's peaceful expression. Her mouth curved into a smile.

She sighed, spinning her body around to dangle her legs off of the bed before quietly standing up so she wouldn't wake up her brother.

She softly walked out of his room, shutting the door behind her ever so slowly, until it was completely closed.

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