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"What a good girl, not even arguing about it."

Levi said those words in such a low, hazy voice which made the blonde only feel more warm and fuzzy. She didn't know what this feeling meant, but the way Levi was acting had her heart racing.

Alcohol was still present inside of her veins, and it was making her want him. Her eyes were lidded, boring straight into grey ones.

All of their fights, arguments, disagreements, and dislikes flew out of the window. Right now, Corrina wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

And because of her buzzed brain she isn't able to think rationally about it. In her drunken state, this Corrina desires him.

Levi on the other hand was taken aback from the words he spoke, and the way his hands are still gripping onto the blonde's waist, like they don't want to let go.

He can't help but stare at the taller girl that's directly in front of him. Her gorgeous blonde hair that's slightly messy from previously falling into the counter. Her diamond sparkling blue eyes that were so easy to get lost in. And her lips, so full and daring him to just lean in and...

What is he thinking? This is Avery, the insubordinate, over confident, anger issue filled Avery.

But, he has to admit. She is absolutely stunning. He never payed mind to her face like this before, and he has to blame it on the alcohol. As much as it doesn't make much sense, since it's hard for him to even get a slight buzz, but, maybe tonight was different. Maybe the whiskey was just very strong.

"Levi," Corrina softly spoke, snapping him out of his obnoxious thoughts.

Her left hand gently caressed his chest, roaming to the neck of his shirt where she grabbed it, slightly pulling him forwards.

His brain kept yelling at him to stop this, to pull his hands away and to go to sleep. But, he stayed in the exact same spot, a rush of tingling flowing through his spine at the soft touch of Corrina's fingers.

It was definitely foreign. He only ever had been touched like this once before, a long long time ago. It never went anywhere, though. And it did not feel like this.

"Levi." She repeated herself again, tugging him forward just an inch. He let her.

The only thing he could say was, "Hm?"

"I'm a Captain, ya know." She stated matter of factly, and Levi didn't know where she was going with this. Of course she is a Captain, how could he forgot something like that?

"Yes, you are." He assured as Corrina smiled.

"Kiss me, Levi."

The words vomited right out of her mouth. But as intoxicated as she was, no part of her cared nor regretted it. She most definitely would the next morning, but not right now.

Levi was stunned to hear that. He doesn't understand what's going on anymore, but he can't let this go on. She's drunk, most likely forgotten where and who she's with.

"Avery, don't you remember that we aren't even friends? We don't get along."

Corrina tilted her head and pondered for a moment. And yet, none of what he just said made her care. This is what she wants, and she is going to get it.

"That's an order, Levi. I said to kiss me." She demanded in a fake stern voice, but that didn't make it any less serious.

When she saw he wasn't phased, she spoke up once more. "A Captain is giving you an order, Ackerman."

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