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     Corbin hunched over with his hands on his knees, out of breath from running all the way back to Levi's office where Hange, Levi, and Commander Erwin all sat.

Their eyes instantly locked onto the distressed young boy, clearly upset about something. They all presumed it was to do with Corrina.

Levi stood up and walked over to him. "Did you find her? We had no luck."

He screwed his eyes shut as tears welt up inside, guilt clouding his heart. "I saw Reiner and Bertholt,"

Hange quickly stood up. "What? Where are they now?"

Corbin shook his head, still filled with the flashing memory of Corrina leaving with them. He couldn't believe his sister would betray her comrades, her family, this wasn't like her.

"Corrina- she went somewhere with them." He responded in a panicked tone. "We have to go and find her."

Hange couldn't wrap her head around what she had just heard. Corrina leaving with the enemy? After she was beyond rage full due to their betrayal? This didn't add up, there has to be good reason she did so. Hange thinks it's to help the scouts somehow; but she can't figure out the how.

"Did you hear any information?" Erwin asked.

Corbin sighed. "After Reiner said this could redeem herself, she had no problems with accepting to help them. She agreed to work along side them."

"This whole situation makes no sense. We all witnessed how much she desperately wanted to kill Reiner and Bertholt because they tried to kill Corbin." Hange explained, putting her index finger on her chin.

"If she was in a bad state of mind, perhaps she felt like she could finally be useful, due to what Corbin has said to her. Maybe she felt this was the only way she was able to redeem herself, by hearing someone say they need her abilities." Erwin chimed in. "However, this isn't good. Corrina knows too much, the enemy will have major advantages to win against us."

Hange turned to face him, knowing what he's insinuating. "We will not kill Corrina, we can't!"

"I'm aware of how close you two are. I'm aware that she is Corbin's sister. That being said, none of those factors matter in this predicament. Corrina Avery needs to be tracked and killed before she tells them a single thing." Erwin demanded coldly.

Corbin's mind began to whirlwind, the thought of his sister being killed terrifying him to his core. His mouth quivered while tears pooled within his ocean blue eyes, threatening to release.

Meanwhile, Levi remained silent to ponder amongst himself. In his opinion, he agrees with Hange. He knows Corrina has done plenty things against the rules, continues to act reckless and on impulse. But, this seemed like she had some sort of plan. She would never willingly go with the two people she wants to kill most without a motive. There has to be a motive.

"Levi, your thoughts?" Erwin questioned, assuming he would take his side.

"We're retaking the wall, right?" Erwin nodded. "Corrina will be there with Reiner and Bertholt. Let's wait until then to kill her, it'll be easier."

Hange and Corbin widened their eyes at the same time, not expecting him to be so casual about Corrina dying.

"No, no! There's a reason she left!" Corbin yelled while glancing up to Levi. "You know it too, just admit it!"

"Listen, both of you. When has Corrina ever sided with the enemy? She's proven her loyalty time and time again, especially when she chased Reiner to kill him! You saw how controlled she was with anger!" Hange defended, her voice cracking.

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