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Chapter warnings: violence , gore ,blood , depressing thoughts.

. I'm unwell.

The sky was a gorgeous ocean blue color, with big fluffy clouds flying within the atmosphere. The sun was sweetly cascading it's rays onto a blonde soldiers skin.

There was a slight breeze, but even the wind was warm.

Hange solemnly starred at her best friend with dull, tired eyes. They had one of their hands placed down onto Corrina's shoulder.

The weather was mocking her. How could it be so comforting and perfect after what just occurred? Why wasn't it storming? Raining?

She didn't really feel anything. Her mind was still having a difficult time believing that Corbin had actually died. The truth didn't feel real. Was she being deceived? Was it some sick and twisted joke?


It's just a sick and twisted life.

The tears had all but dried up, leaving her in a hole filled with numbness. She wished she could go back and make things change. Force Corbin to stay home. Force him to go to the Forrest.

She blankly had her eyes on the sky.

"We should leave now, Rin."

Hange's voice snapped Corrina back into the present, but not entirely. She felt way too drained and exhausted to fight, but unfortunately, she had no choice.

And there was Levi.

She swore she wouldn't lose him too. Corrina loves him more than herself, more than anything. She can't deal with having him die.

She made up her mind.

"Okay. Let's go save Levi."

Corrina set her mind onto keeping Levi alive, no matter the cost. She remembered the words Corbin spoke, how he was adamant about sacrificing himself so that his sister could help Levi.

So, she would keep fighting. She would keep holding on.

For Corbin.


"Yeah, okay. Let's go."

Corrina and Hange rode on their horses in silence. Neither of them had anything to say after what they've been through previously.

But it wasn't an awkward silence.

It was a mutual understanding, that they have to focus on saving Levi and to burry their emotions inside, until everything was over.

After a couple hours they made it to the Forrest where Zeke was being held, however the scene they came across was horrific.

Worst fears had come true.

Titans seemed to be freshly slaughtered, as the steam of their blood was floating throughout the air. But their faces were all too familiar.

Corrina was growing anxious. She knew that something bad happened, and since she couldn't see a titan that looked like Levi, she assumed he was the one to kill them.

But where was he? Where was Zeke?

Had Zeke captured him?

Or was... was Levi dead?

The blonde was too occupied being stuck within her own thoughts, that she hadn't noticed she started hyperventilating.

Hange was the one to point it out. "Hey, don't worry just yet. See the horse tracks over there? Surely Levi has Zeke restrained."

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