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Corbin held a tray of food which consisted of vegetable soup, bread, and a glass of water. He was on his way to his older sisters infirmary room, a place which was familiarly upsetting.

A constant reminder flashing through his mind that Corrina always put herself in danger head on, the impulsiveness of her actions making him angry.

Angry because the one thing he fears most in the whole world is losing his world; his sister. He loves her from the bottom of his heart, and is beyond appreciative of the things she's done for him her entire life.

So, walking to this dreaded room once again causes his chest to tighten and anger to rise within him. He had always thought there was a reason for her to constantly put herself in reckless situations, but now it's getting out of hand.

She doesn't have to prove herself to the commander anymore. Corrina is a higher up, a Captain. One of the strongest scouts in the regiment. What is the purpose to run straight into suicide missions?

Corbin stopped right outside of Corrina's room, taking a deep breath to refrain himself from snapping at her.

He reached for the knob and twisted it, pushing the door open with his foot before watching as she turned her head to look at him with a smile. It faded immediately as she noticed how mad Corbin appeared to be.

"What happened?" She asked with concern.

Corbin ignored her question while placing the tray of food on top of the table that sat next to Corrina's bed.

Corrina knitted her eyebrows, pondering why he was acting oddly reserved and unhappy.

"Hey, answer me." She spoke up again, coming off with a stern tone.

He deeply huffed out an annoyed breath, the self control he's trying to keep slowly slipping from his grasp.

"It's nothing. You should eat." He responded flatly.

Corrina knew he was lying. His cheekbones always burn a slight pink when he lies, and that is exactly what happened.

"Corbin. It's obvious you have something to say, so so it."

He clenched his teeth, furrowing his eyebrows while glaring at his sister.

"You know what? I do have something to say." He snarled, his attitude catching Corrina off guard.

He stormed over to the bed and stopped once he was directly in front of where she sat.

"You are injured again! You could have died again! Could have left me alone! And you know what? I don't think you care in the slightest!"

"What- why would you think that?" She asked with genuine confusion.

He scoffed. "Corrina, you never think rationally! You don't stop for one damn second and think— wait, I have a little brother and I can't leave him! You think for yourself and nobody else!"

Corrina thought he was full of it. Of course she cares about Corbin. Of course she doesn't want to die and leave him without anyone. What's come over him?

"Corbin, you're my top priority! You've been since mom died and dad became a drunk! I basically raised you, all while I was busting my ass in the survey corps so I could become a strong soldier!"

He shook his head. "I'm not stupid. I know that already. But no, I'm not your top priority or you wouldn't act on impulse. What happens when one day toy get yourself killed? I'll never forgive you!"

Corrina, despite being incredibly sore, stood up from her bed and towered over her brother with rage surging through her.

"I do what has to be done! No matter what decision I make I think about you! I thought you were a true scout, Corb. I thought you knew that scouts are created to devote their lives."

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