•forty-nine: corbin avery•

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Chapter warnings: violence, fighting, blood, gory depictions, angst.

"Woah, woah, woah! Where do you both think you're going!?" Mia smirked, a gun secured in her hands as Floch was stood next to her.

Corrina and Hange stopped in their tracks, eyeing them intently, wondering what their motive was going to be.

"We we're just heading-"

"Sorry to interrupt, but you both have to come with us, and a good portion of the Yeagerists!" Floch announced.

Corrina narrowed her eyes and glared at Floch, and then Mia. "We could take the both of you, even without weapons in our hands."

"Hmmm, you could! But you won't." Mia smiled.

"Really? What makes you think that?" Corrina pried further.

Mia clapped her hands. "So glad you asked! Bring him out!"

Corrina grew confused.

But that confusion was short lived, as a Yeagerist was seen turning the corner, pushing someone forwards.

The person being shoved was almost unidentifiable. Their face was covered in fresh, gushing cuts and multiple bruises. Their eyes were red and puffy, making them glued shut. Their hands were tied behind their back, uniform also painted red with their seeping blood.

It was a horrible sight to see. It was obvious that that person was tortured somehow, and the sight of them made Corrina's stomach churn.

But she was wondering how this persons injuries would change her mind with fighting both Mia and Floch.

That was, until the person attempted to speak.

"Sis... I'm.... Sorry."

Corrina froze. Her blood ran ice cold, paralyzing her entire body. That voice, that voice belonged to Corbin. But the tone was so tired... so scratchy... it almost hadn't sounded like him at all. She only was positive it was him because of the words he spoke. But after the confirmation that that mystery person was her little brother- the battered up appearance plastered on his face broke her heart into pieces.

"Corbin?" She asked, in disbelief.

Floch grabbed Corbin's arm and forced him down to kneel on the floor before putting the gun against his head.

"Now, you're going to obey our every order, or I'm going to put a bullet in his head."

Corrina couldn't think, couldn't move, couldn't do anything other than stare wide eyed at her beaten little brother.

"Why did you do that to Corbin? Isn't he on your side?" Hange spoke up, forcing themselves to be collected for the blondes sake.

Floch clicked his tongue. "Come on, we aren't stupid. When Corbin came to us saying he was completely on Eren's side due to them living in Marley together, we knew it was bullshit. Wanna know why?"

He pushed the gun harshly against Corbin's head. "Corbin loves his big sister like a mom. We've witnessed it throughout the years. He joined to get inside information, to finally be able to protect his sister. Just like she's protected him ever since he was born."

Hange gulped, glancing over at Corrina from the corner of her eye.

"Don't do this, Floch. We will surrender."


It was Corbin who spoke.

Corrina started to tear up, jaw quivering.

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