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     Corrina knew she would be safe. Because the figure was identified immediately, it was Levi.

Then the rest of the scouts scurried out from the woods, heading for the remaining  titans.

Levi jogged over to the blonde, crouching down to her level.

"What happened? Where's your damn horse?"

"Ran off. Gas ran out."

He scoffed. "You're lucky I heard you calling my name."

She nodded. "Yeah, I am lucky."

Taken aback, Levi looked down at his feet. The last thing he expected was to hear Corrina admit that she needed help. Even if those weren't exactly her choice of words, he knew that's what she meant.

"Well, get on Hanji's horse with her. We didn't see any other Titans nearby."

Corrina shook her head in agreement as Hanji's horse halted in front of her. She stood up and got on, embracing her arms around the brunette.

The ride back to headquarters was silent but peaceful. Corrina was content, glad that she finally accepted her true feelings that were hidden deep inside.

Somehow, dealing with the problems and overcoming them makes her feel stronger than before.

She also decided to depend on other people when it's highly necessary, something she never would have even thought of prior to her almost death.

But, another thing crossed her mind. More specifically, a person.


The memory of him saving her brother flashed in her mind. At the time she brushed it off as him just doing his job as a scout. Which, yes, has truth to it.

However, if he really was the selfish person the blonde perceived him to be, it's possible he could of thought saving Corbin was a lost cause.

And then he heard her scream. It was the last resort, but, he could hear her.

So he saved her.

As much as his personality and actions extremely irritate her, she can't help but conclude that he isn't a terrible person.

Her even thinking that annoys her. But, it can't be helped.

Corrina was in a turmoil.

Levi has disliked her from the start. And she had despised him for years now. How could they be friends when all they do is argue?

She can't figure out how to make it happen. And she doesn't even know if she wants to make it happen. Being friends with Levi feels unusual and foreign.

Even so, ever since that moment when she called for him, and he showed up to save her, her feelings slightly shifted about him.

To top it off, Hanji's words lingered through her mind.

As much as it's odd to admit, even to only herself, she doesn't exactly hate him any longer. A ton of dislikes still remain, of course.

But, finally, she has decided that she would try to view him differently. Just like Hanji suggested.

'Maybe the strongest two captains being friends wouldn't be a horrible idea.' The blonde thought to herself as Hanji's horse came to a stop in front of headquarters.

Corrina hopped down from the horse and then spun around to glance at Levi.

It's funny how a near death experience makes a person change so much in so little amount of time.

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