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Corbin placed both of his hands on the rocky ground and struggled to push himself up, his muscles emitting sharp and tight pain throughout his entire body from the fall. His teeth clanked together as he cringed, letting out a low groan.

Corrina instantly walked over to him and held out her hand, and he intertwined his own tightly with a smile as she pulled him up to his feet.

"Are you okay to continue fighting?" She asked with worry, her eyebrows pulling up and coming together.

The younger boy's lips formed a small grin and he lightly shook his head. "I'm okay, Sis. I'm just glad I was right about you."

Corrina warmly smiled at her little brother. "I'm sorry if what I did hurt you in any way. I was doing what I thought was best."

He dusted the leftover dirt off from his uniform before looking back up to his sister. "I already told you, it's alright." His eyes drifted towards the silent Levi, who was left embarrassed from when Corbin saw him and Corrina showing affection. "Anyways, we should get back to our assigned posts."

Levi nodded. "I have to get back to commander Erwin," he trailed off, glancing at Corrina while subconsciously wondering what she will do now that she is no longer pretending to be on the enemy's side. "You come with me, 'Rin."

Corrina pondered to herself. She definitely didn't want to go with Levi, only because she's anxious the commander won't believe she was forced into joining Reiner. There is one person on her mind right now, and she wants to fight alongside her best friend. plus, she can inform Hange that she isn't a bad guy.

"No, you take Corbin with you and make sure he doesn't get injured." She replied, watching as Levi pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Where will you go, then?" Corbin asked, anxiety filling up the pit of his stomach, causing him to feel extremely nauseous. He just got his sister back, and he wants to be with her throughout this battle.

Corrina ruffled her little brother's hair, making him furrow his eyebrows. She then spun around to face Levi, who looked just as confused as Corbin.

"I'm going to find Hange and help her squad. I assume Lila is with your squad, right?"

Levi secretly hated that Corrina wouldn't be with him. He feels satisfied and content when she is next to him, so he can confirm she isn't wounded or dead. Her leaving his watchful eye by finding Hange creates massive amounts of worry to cloud his brain. What if a titan eats her, what if Reiner finds out she betrayed him? So many burning questions began flooding his mind, so much so he became distracted by his thoughts and hadn't noticed Corrina was now only inches away from him.

What snapped him out from his daze was the feeling of soft skin brushing against his chin, trailing up to stop and grab at his cheek. Her thumb delicately caressed his flesh, and that's when Levi gazed inside of Corrina's eyes.

"We need to take back what is ours. You need to do your part, and I have to do mine." she softly murmured while retreating her hand away from him.

He knows that. But, he just came to terms with his feelings for the blonde. He is scared to lose more people, especially her. Corrina may be hotheaded, annoying, blatantly rude, sarcastic, egotistical, and overly confident. But, all of those things make Corrina Avery who she is. And now that he sees her as a person he doesn't hate; he was able to open his eyes and dive down to find positive aspects that also make her the person she is. How she would sacrifice her life in a single heartbeat to keep the people she love's alive. How much care and love she pours onto her little brother, by basically becoming his mother. How she is one of the few people who can make him laugh and even smile, how she makes him feel all warm and content inside.

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