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Running. She was running as fast as she could, feet aching, stomach churning, eyes stinging, from the harsh slap of the wind.

She turned the corner in a panic, shock possessing her entire body, through the thick blood in her veins, to her mobility, to her fuzzy, clouded mind.

The women had been eaten right in front of her. And yet, no tears could brink inside of her blue piercing eyes, that were widened from the sight.

Who was that women? And why did she have the same hair color as the girl, why did she scream out to run away?

Did she know the young blonde?

And why was she utterly sick and heartbroken at the scene? If she didn't know that women, she shouldn't be feeling this way.

For a very, slight, brief moment, she figured it out.

And then it was gone. Vanished from her brain.

Why did it keep fading away?


A shout woke Corrina from her dream, or, rather a nightmare. The same one she would always have, a random women being devoured by a titan, as she stood there motionless.

It always confused her, because she felt like she knows that women. Yet, the answer had been ripped away again.

That bothered the blonde, immensely.

She couldn't seem to instantly shake it off. Usually, Corrina is able to completely ignore those burning questions she deeply desired answers too. Pushing them not to the back of her brain, but, out of it entirely.

However, it wasn't  disappearing this time. It remained prominent, and it made her exceedingly infuriated.

"Avery, you're needed outside." Levi spoke up once more, growing impatient at the blondes hazy state, but, he could tell she didn't get much sleep.

Her golden yellow locks were thrown up in a low ponytail, strands of hair sticking up every which way. Dark eye bags preeminent, as well as a palish tone painting her skin.

Corrina acknowledged him this time as she sat up lazily while rubbing her hand over her temple, a slight ache pounding against it like a rubber band was snapped around her head.

She wasn't acting like herself, and it was blatant. Even so, Corrina didn't notice it herself.

The dream flashed through her mind, over and over again, and she started to become desperate to find out who it was about.

And she didn't even know why she wanted to. But, she felt as if it wasn't a dream, and perhaps a memory of the past.

It felt too real. It was like Déjà vu, and it freaked her out a bit. Because why didn't she remember unless she was dreaming about it?

Even though her thoughts were a scrambled mess, she tore herself from the white blanket and stood up, locking eyes with Levi.

"We will be cleaning today. You are assigned to the kitchen. Before then, we're holding a meeting outside. So get your slow ass ready and don't keep us waiting."

She heard a gist of that. Cleaning the kitchen, going outside for a meeting, and the rest were blocked off by her intrusive thinking that wouldn't ease away.

With a low tone, she replied. "Okay."

This just proved that Corrina defiantly was not being like her usual self. The Corrina that would scream at him just because he called her slow.

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