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Levi's pov.

"How are we sure they're hiding inside the walls? Arlert could be wrong, what will we do then?"

A random scout spoke out, his voice thick and snarky. I looked up at him with my usual expression, but the boy visibly flinched.

"Armin is incredibly intelligent. Don't underestimate him." I informed, earning a frantic nod.

I turned back to face the disheveled city of shiganshina, scanning around the broken and torn homes, boulders thrown on the ground, and a massive amount of dried blood and corpses ripped apart by the disgusting Titans.

It caused a foreign, unsettling feeling to creep inside of my stomach.

While my eyes took in everything, I subconsciously caught myself looking for a particular blonde haired girl that could be waiting for our arrival. And once I realized she wasn't here, my heart sank from.. disappointment?

I still am not sure why I feel the way I do for Corrina Avery. The day I had met her, she seemed like an annoying, cocky person. As time went on, she proved to me that my assumption was correct; Corrina was overly egotistical and confident in her abilities. It's caused her many inconveniences, most of which almost ended in death.

Immaturity gets me extremely irritated. The more time I spent working with Corrina the more I learned she could be the definition of immature, and she's an adult.

That's why I hated her. That's why I tended to avoid her at all costs. When I would be around her, I would get frustrated until I couldn't take it anymore, and would leave before lashing out.

However, my irritation only got worse and for a whole different reason. I found myself getting overwhelmed and stressed when she left to go on missions without me. My mind scrambles and it causes my anger to rise until she'd come back safely. If I found out she had gotten hurt, something flicked inside of my brain and all of the hate stored would completely vanish. I would become wired solely to find her myself and ensure she would not end up dead.

All of this, while I was convinced I despised her.

No matter how much I thought I did, I continued to be possessive over her, but vaguely. When Stephan wanted to get dinner with her, I was deeply twisting with rage. And then he tried to kill her, so I killed him. It had felt so satisfying.

But the point is, everything I do, even if I don't think about it, is for Corrina. For her to remain alive.

This confuses me. I confuse myself. Corrina is so hypnotic and angelic, that it puts me in a trance. And then I can no longer hate her. I have to kiss her, feel her soft lips on mine. I have to touch her delicate, soft skin. I have to tangle my hands in her luscious golden hair. I have to get lost in her beautiful eyes; vibrant like the day-time sky.

She is mesmerizing. And I can't hold back that confession from myself any longer. I don't want to hold back from her any longer.

At first, I refused to believe I had caught romantic feelings for Corrina, it seemed so absurd and impossible since her personality is the type I despise.

But, for whatever reason, she is the only one I can deal with that does have that type of personality. I don't know why, but it doesn't matter.

All that matters is that I've accepted how I feel. It may not be a perfect match—- not even close to perfect. We're total opposites and constantly fight about idiotic things, but I like her.

I like her. I don't want to lose her.


Corrina's pov.

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