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    Corrina jolted awake- immediately pushing herself into the back corner wherever she was being kept. It was too dark for her to make out any objects or people, but she noted how there was a slight breeze blowing against her.

She also was in mass amount of pain everywhere on her frail body. Open cuts with dried blood, faint scratches, one eye black and blue, swollen shut- a large gash on her forehead.

Again? Corrina thought, agitated from being in battered condition once more, in the span of months.

Now her brain was a scrambled mess, wondering what course of action to take next. She was still freshly coping with Kenny's torture, so she isn't so sure if she wants to be disobedient by sneaking around. She won't be able to take much more force, she can feel herself growing weaker by the minuet.

Corrina' eyes widened while her hands placed on the wall as the unknown place she was began to shake; and she put it together that she was in the back of a wagon being transported somewhere due to the wind picking up and the bumps they would hit.

She could wait and see where she was being taken to, or she could risk her health by jumping out of the wagon.

The second option is the better one.

Corrina pieced together a plan as quick as she could, and then braced herself; taking a deep breath.

She started banging her fists on the floor of the wagon, the loud pounding alarming the man directing the horses up front, sparking his irritation.

"Keep fuckin quiet ."

Corrina kept punching the floor while also stomping her feet, which only fueled the man's annoyance to grow sufficiently.

The man halted the horses from walking and stormed to the back of the wagon, harshly opening the curtain to shine the moonlight inside. He squinted his eyes to get a better look, but before he was able to step inside, two arms wrapped around his neck, violently snapping it to the side; killing him instantly. She helped his lifeless body to the ground, being sure that if there was another person they wouldn't hear anything. After she laid him down, she saw a pocket knife limply lying in his hand, and she took it.

Corrina huffed out a heavy breath, making her way quietly to the horses. She noticed another person, a women on the second horse holding a shotgun.

She smiled.

She was careful not to make any noise with her feet, approaching the women not even a centimeter from behind, snaking her arm around her throat, placing the sharp cool metal along her skin, being sure to press down lightly to scare the women.

The women tensed up.

"Where is Levi? You work for that bastard Kenny, right? Tell me where the fuck Levi is." Corrina demanded coldly.

"Outside— the walls." She gulped. "Of Orvud district. Kenny is there too. We were ordered to bring you."

Corrina let out a short chuckle. "I'll bring myself, thanks for the ride, though."

Without a second thought Corrina roughly sliced the blade along the women's neck- slitting her throat deeply, blood spurting out and oozing from the open flesh. Her body flopped down onto the dirt. 

Some blood spattered on Corrina's clothes and her skin, making her click her tongue in disgust. "Tch, that's gross."

She then untied one horse from the wagon, raided the back and found ammo, and she took the shotgun, using the strap to hand from her shoulders. After that, Corrina got on the horse and began making her way towards Levi.

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