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Corrina dazily shifted on the stiff couch, a heavy weight crushing the bottom half of her body.

The uncomfortableness peeled her eyes open, to see Hanji starring directly into her eyes with wide ones, her head a bit lifted off of Corrina's lower stomach.

She got startled, not expecting her friend to be wide awake lying on her lower stomach. She must have moved while they were asleep, Corrina thought.

The blonde awkwardly patted Hanji's head, showing a brief smile before glancing at the time.

It was only five o'clock. That gave Corrina an hour to get ready for today, something she wasn't looking forward too.

"Mornin' sunshine!" Hanji loudly beamed, causing Corrina to groan since she was freshly woken up.

She shifted her legs so that they could dangle off the couch as she rubbed her eyes to gain some energy, so Hanji made it easier and got off from her.

"Morning." Corrina lowly replied.

Hanji jumped off the couch, her usual energetic self caused the blonde to chuckle. She never knew how Hanji could be so full of life right after she wakes up.

"You shower, I'll wake up Corbin." Hanji nicely suggested, to which Corrina smiled and nodded with agreement, appreciative of her friend.

Hanji approached Corbin's room, knocking obnoxiously, purposefully to wake Corbin out of his slumber.

She then entered the room, swinging the door open before plopping down at the end of the young kids bed, watching as he shifted a little.

"Corbin Avery! It's time to wake up!" Hanji announced as he shot his eyes open, sitting up with a frown.

"Aunt Hanji, you stayed over?" He groggily asked, still in a sleepy state.

She playfully scoffed, "Is that shocking to you?!"

He chuckled. "Not at all."

Corbin stretched out his arms, a sudden spark igniting inside of his blue eyes.

"Hey, you know that Sis is joining Mister Levi's squad, right?"

Hanji smiled. "Yes, I know. Why so much excitement?"

She genuinely was interested, she loved Corbin like he was her real nephew. Hanji always wanted to know what was on his mind.

"He saved my life, and since then I've admired him as a scout!" Then, his jittery mood faded away. "But, I think my sister and him don't get along. She thinks I'm dense, I guess."

Hanji furrowed her eyebrows, "Did she tell you they don't get along?"

"No. I heard them fighting the other night, followed by a loud bang. It sounded like someone hit the wall hard, so I checked it out. My sister was in pain, I could tell, but, she tried hiding it from me." He explained, and Hanji nodded.

"Well, I don't think Corrina thinks you're dense. She knows how much you want to be a scout like Levi, so if she told you about how they don't get along, you would lose the person you look up too."

Corbin pondered on that, sighing and understanding what his sisters intentions were.

"Yeah, that makes sense." He paused for a moment, unsure wether to ask what he wanted too or not. He decided to ask anyways, what's the worse that could happen?

"Why don't they like each other?"

Hanji hesitated, not wanting to cause problems for her blonde friend and Corbin, maybe it's best if she talks to him about it.

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