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   "You're doing great! You'll be in perfect shape by the time I return!" Hange enthusiastically boasted as she watched Corrina walk for the first time without her crutches.

Hange was proud of how strong her blonde friend has been through this difficult obstacle in her life. First being badly hurt and almost killed by Annie, and then she was given no time to breathe due to Stephan's jealousy problems. But, even with all of that baggage weighing down on Corrina's shoulders, she still managed to remain composed and poised as always.

If you didn't hear or know about what happened to her, you wouldn't be able to tell what so ever. She kept herself calm and hid everything inside, simply focusing on returning to her Captain spot in the scouts.

Here she was; working herself until she couldn't withstand the pain emitting from her tender muscles and wounds any longer.

It helped distract her from Stephan and the wicked betrayal he did. Also from the greatest mistake she ever made; trusting a human being after they did something bad.

She decided to never give second chances again. Corrina had always believed everyone can fall into darkness and lash out, and that being said should be given another opportunity to show they can change. However, after this, she hates herself for ever thinking that way.

Corrina was breathing heavily, each breath of oxygen feeling stuffy and suffocating; filling her lungs with absolutely no air.

So, she leaned against the wall, trying to catch her breath from all the hard physical therapy she put on her body today.

Hange also leaned on the wall standing in front of her with a bright and warm smile. "Seriously, Rin. By the time I get back you'll be good to go back to work."

"Thanks, but you sure seem way too positive." Corrina teased though short breaths.

The blonde appreciates Hange's words of wisdom, but she still feels as if a dark cloud is raining down upon her. All she wants is to be better, but getting o her goal is taking a massive toll on her.

She is impatient, after all.

Hange clicked her tongue on the root of her mouth. "They aren't nearly positive enough!"

"I just wish you didn't have to leave." Corrina muttered. Having her best friend here while she's going through a hard time makes it even slightly better. 

And now she'll have to worry about wether Hange is alive or dead until she returns home. Just another thing to pile on top of her anxieties.

"I'll be fine. Besides, you'll have Levi!" Hange reminded, but Corrina's face turned deadpanned at the mention of his name.

Oh, right, yet another thing that's upsetting her. Corrina can't figure out why it bothers her so much that Levi hasn't visited since he killed Stephan weeks ago.

But she realizes how lonely she feels without him sometimes. She'll be sitting in her bed and glance at the empty chair he usually sits in, and secretly deep down wish he would show up and talk with her.

However, Corrina is well aware how he feels about her. While her feelings for him have shifted, because she now wants to becomes friends with him, he still hates her and thinks she's reckless, insubordinate, hot headed, etc. she could go on.

"He hasn't come to see me for a while." Corrina's eyes we're dull, trailing to the ground to zone out on the floor.

"Oh, it's not because of you! He's been training a new captain that's starting next week!"

Hange seemed excited and happy about a new captain. But, Corrina became instantly angry and assumed this new captain was here to replace her.

"What?! What's his name? Is he taking over for me?" She asked frantically, earning a groan from Hange.

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