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Corrina's pov

I gazed inside of Levi's grey eyes; that were practically begging me to come clean with the plan. I could see him pleading, desperately wanting to hold onto the hope that I hadn't switched sides.

It took every ounce of self control I had in my veins, mustering up all the drips of strength I could use to make myself seem evil.

And it hurts. It hurts me so much that I cant even put into words just how much pain I feel in my heart for him and for the rest of my comrades.

Finding out the person you thought you could always trust no matter what changed sides and is helping the people who constantly attempt to kill and attack paradis and the citizens living in the walls, must be overwhelmingly confusing and unbelievable.

They probably feel incredibly betrayed by me. And there's nothing I can do about it. As much as I desire to tell Levi the truth, I can't and won't risk Corbin's life. No part of me is going to gamble on my little brothers life.

And so I shut my eyes for a brief second, powering all my strength into keeping my act secure; I am apart of Reiner and Bertholt now. I can't perceive myself weak and regretful.

I gripped the handle of my sword so tightly that my knuckles turned white and my fingernails were digging into the metal.

"Corrina, I know you. And I know you would never betray your little brother." Levi said while taking his sword off from mine, taking a singular step back.

I shook my head, rolling my tongue along my gums while smirking.

"You're wrong. You don't know me, Levi. You never have."

His mouth parted only a little after hearing my words. I saw how his natural squinty eyes widened and his face fell.

And then not even a second later his eyes grew dark as they bore hot, blazing fire into my eyes so that mine burned from looking at him. His lips pulled into a straight line, angrily scowling at me.

He finally believes me.

And it aches.

I decided to glare right back at him, to sell my facade. The tears building on my lower lash line vanished into nothingness, as I became accepting of my inevitable fate.

I know I'm going to die.

And by the hands of Levi.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Just as I noticed Levi about to use this moment and attack me; a large Boulder harshly hit against the wall, plugging the entrance so that the horses could no longer get through.

The wind and built up dust assaulted our bodies, the particles flying inside of my eyes and burning them. I covered my entire face with both my arms, feeling the breeze wash over me.

I became too distracted from the thrown rock that I hadn't realized Levi was currently sneaking up behind me, until I felt a strong arm wrap around my torso and the coolness from the metal sword that was being pushed against my exposed neck.

The blade was barley on my skin, yet I could still feel how sharp it was. I cringed from the unexpected contact of Levi's arm and sword while trying to glance at him from the corner of my eye.

"Don't move." His whispered into my ear, and I could feel his breath blowing my loose hair and my flesh, causing my body to tingle and form goosebumps. "Or I'll slit your throat."

He sounded serious, and I couldn't help but gulp. This proves that Levi truly believes that I'm on the enemy's side. Which is a good thing. But that doesn't mean his aggressiveness doesn't cause me some worry.

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