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It was the day of Corinna and Levi's squads mission together.

And both of them were dreading it.

Levi finds it difficult to tolerate people in general. But, something about Corinna Avery makes his insides boil and his irritability to easily exponentially rise.

He knows as a Captain of a squad in the survey corps is a professional job- to which he tries his best to not cross any lines when it comes to people aggravating him.

But, many lines have been crossed when it comes to Corinna.

He despises her with every part of him. Levi could name never ending reasons as to why he feels strong aversion for her.

So when it comes down to having to do missions with her- his mood greatly deteriorates.

Corinna and her squad were currently readying their horses together- laughing and cracking jokes even though this mission could be life or death.

Any mission for the survey corps was in fact life or death, but Corinna portrays no sign of fear of what could potentially happen.

"How's Corbin doing with his training?" Lila, who was apart of Corinna's squad asked as she jumped on her brown colored horse.

Corinna followed suit while replying, "Good, I think. I'm worried because he's obviously working himself way too hard."

Lila nodded, "I'm sure he just wants to follow in your footsteps, by being high in class."

"That's true. I don't want him to feel obligated too, y'know? I'll be proud of Corbin no matter what."

Lila cracked a smile. "Well, he's lucky to have you as his big sister."

From a small distance, Levi was starring stoically at them, as he assumed they were not focusing on the mission but instead slacking off.

He became irritated.

Levi groaned lowly while storming over to the two oblivious girls- who were now making their horses walk over to join with Levi's squad.

"Avery." Levi aggressively said, gaining her attention as she immediately furrowed her eyebrows upon hearing his voice.

"What?" Corinna replied with an ever harsher tone, slowly making Levi completely snap.

His eyes then ignited a fire- as they bore directly into the blondes sky-blue eyes.

She knew that he was angry with her already, but, she didn't care wether he was mad or not.

And his glare didn't intimidate her in the slightest.

Corinna returned the fiery stare, telling him through her own eyes that he was not causing her any fear.

"Do I need to explain to the Commander about your insubordination?" He cocked a singular eyebrow.

The blonde's lips quivered as she held in a laugh. "Insubordination? I've been getting my squad ready for the mission this entire time."

"You're too immature to have a squad. And it shows."

"Oh, because we show personality and you're all doom and gloom all the time?"

"You can act tough all you want. But, when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, you know who would be on the ground coughing up their own filthy blood."

Corinna smirked. "You're threatening me, Captain?"

"I told you I would start treating you as a cadet. And from this point forward, I'm following through with my words." Levi finished, not letting Corinna respond by walking away to fetch his own horse.

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