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"Listen, Levi, I know we hate each other, but, are you trying to kill me?" I yelled over the noises of screams and buildings being crushed.

"We're almost to the barracks, brat."

I tightened my hold around Levi's body as we both swung through the air using his ODM gear. I ignored his snarky remark, focusing on calming myself down.

Corbin almost getting eaten still lingered within my mind, the unwilling image swarming inside. It has me so worked up, I'm distracted from everything else around me.

Levi and I landed on the ground, in front of the barracks where tons of scouts were frantically running and yelling.

Subconsciously, I didn't let go of Levi.

This isn't like me whatsoever. Even when circumstances in my personal life occur, I always am able to put it aside for duty.

Why did The scene with Corbin have me so deranged?

He is in good hands now, with Petra.

"Avery." Levi's harsh tone snapped me from my cluttered thoughts, and I glanced down at him.

Then I realized I was still holding onto him, so I let go and backed away, and his look of disgust didn't go unnoticed.

"Well, I'm going to go get my gear on, and change." I lowly stated.

He didn't answer me, his eyes just glared into mine before he turned around and went back into fighting with Titans.

I began walking towards the crowd of frightened scouts, and then a particular person made my pupils dilate.

Stephan cocked his head back, and a expression of relief washed over his face.

He ran over to me quickly, embracing me with a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay." He mumbled into my shoulder.

I appreciated his concern, but my mind was still preoccupied with what was happening inside of the walls. There was no time for hugging, only for killing Titans.

Placing both my hands on his shoulders, I softly pushed him away from me. "Stephan, I've got to go get geared up. Meet with the others and find Levi's squad."

Stephan's eyes widened. "I thought.. our squad was with you?"

My heart sank deep into my stomach.

But, again, I needed to focus on helping the citizens right now.

I took a deep breath, remaining collective. "Okay. You find Levi's squad. Petra has Corbin. I'm sure the squad is defending elsewhere."

"With all due respect, Captain, I'm staying with you. I don't want anything to happen-."

Angrily, I cut him off. "Stephan, your Captain gave you an order. Do not let your emotions control you. Find Levi and his squad. Help them kill Titans. That is your job."

He was taken aback by my strict attitude, but, it couldn't be helped. Stephan knows that our first priority is securing the walls.

"Yes, sorry, Captain." He stuttered, running into the battlefield that is our home.

Finally, with no distractions, I headed to the barracks.


"You were one tough son of a bitch!" I exclaimed, releasing my grappling hooks from a Titans shoulder, it's blood evaporating off my skin.

Lots of time had passed, and I haven't came across my squad or Levi's.

And the people who did survive the attack, were retreating to inside wall rose.

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