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TW: suicidal thoughts, talk about self harm

      Uncontrollable , heart wrenching sobs ripped out of Corbin's throat as he fell to his knees, hiding his face with both of his hands.

Hange had told him and Levi everything. How Corrina decided to move ahead, and then Moblit pushed herself to safety, so she wasn't able to see if Corrina survived the explosion.

But she doesn't have to confirm it, she knows there is no possible way Corrina could still be alive after that blast.

So she lost her best friend, and her family in the same day. Corrina dying aches her sole, squeezing her heart until it shatters into various pieces, causing everything to slip to the pit of her stomach, making her feel like she was going to throw up.

Even though she is hurt, Hange is currently holding Mikasa back from Levi, finishing a motivation speech about how people lose people, it happens even though it hurts.

There are so many stressful things happening, but she has to stay composed and strong for the people that lost their lives today. Especially Corrina. She has to keep collected to comfort Corbin, who is still scream-crying into his arms.

Corbin can't describe what he is feeling after being told his big sister was most likely dead from the explosion. At first he believed there was no way she died, and that she was strong enough to survive through it. But positive words can't cover up the rationality and facts. He isn't stupid. The heat alone was enough to burn her alive. After accepting it, his mind completely broke down- all of his mixed emotions escaping through his sobs.

It feels like all of the happiness, warmth, motivation, and energy was sucked out from him and replaced with an emotionless, numb cloud over his head and raining down upon him.

"Get everyone away from here so I can revive Erwin."

Levi spoke up monotonously.

When Hange had appeared suddenly, Levi had hope that Corrina was with her and the both of them survived.

However, the moment his eyes met with Hange's- he could read right through them. He could see the pain and the lifelessness pooling inside.

And that's when a knife stabbed his heart. The realization Corrina wasn't coming back. That she broke her promise, and ended up not meeting back up with him and Corbin.

He was angry. Belligerent, burning fire of emotions took control rather than disappointment and sadness. Levi was beyond pissed.

Mad at Corrina for breaking her promise. Mad at the world for taking another person he cares about. Mad that they won't ever be able to be happy together. Mad that she left him forever.

He also feels regret. A part of him wishes he never brushed Corrina off the day they had first met. He didn't know it then, obviously, but Corrina ended up becoming such an important part of his life.

It happened slowly. He had hated her for multiple reasons. In the present he now likes those once irritating traits, but he wants to go back in time and give her chance.

But it's impossible. He can't go back.

And now she's gone.

Levi glanced back and forth between Armin and Erwin, and decided to ignore Corrina's death in order to properly chose who to revive.

But, no matter what, her face remains glued inside of his head.

It always will.


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