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Levi felt as if it was way too different and quiet without Corrina here. He'd previously thought her presence was a burden and irritating, but now he can't seem but to long for her company.

He knows what that means, however he doesn't want to admit that yet. Not to Corrina, at least. Levi does care for her, even if he comes across as intimidating and emotionless.

And that's why he is not angry nor upset with her for joining Reiner. He's aware of her intelligence and how focused she can be even when they aren't on missions.

Levi believes Corrina saw Corbin hiding behind the tree and was about to go talk with him about their fight, but an inconvenience unexpectedly showed up. In that situation, what choice does she have? Battle two titan shifters alone putting not only herself but her little brother in danger, or pretend to hate paradis island and the scouts, and infiltrate them.

He thought being put on the spot like that, Corrina was very smart and did the right thing. Levi has seen her act not like herself before, and she is an expert at convincing people she'd changed.

So, even though deep inside his chest feels heavy while thinking of her being around the enemy, he has a gut feeling that she can handle herself and she will be okay.

Loud knocking thudded on the office door, catching his attention and snapping him from his thoughts. Without asking who it was, or their purpose, he watched as Mia opened the door smiling widely with papers stacked in her hands.

He vaguely glared at her, somewhat annoyed with her not following the rules. She may be appointed captain soon, but for now she is under Levi's supervision. And acting like this is her office too? It stirs up anger inside of him.

Mia swayed her hips walking towards his desk, smirking at him almost seductively. He had noticed, it was like she wasn't even trying to be secretive about it.

"Good afternoon, Captain." She said biting her lip while placing the papers on his desk.

Levi ignored her idiotic flirting and sighed while grabbing the stack of papers. "That's all, Mia. You may leave."

She furrowed her eyebrows, licking her lips as her eyes made contact with his. "What if I don't want to leave?"

He didn't have time for this. His mind was to preoccupied thinking about Corrina and what she is currently doing and if she's safe. On top of that he just got handed stacks of paperwork, and the mission to retake the wall is in two days. So much baggage is toppling on top of each other, ready to fall over. This pointless and aggravating attempt of flirting is getting on his nerves more than it should be.

"Enough." He snapped, mias eyes widening as she jumped from his stern tone. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb, letting out a heavy breath.

"Listen, I'm extremely busy. I have work to do." He cut back with the harsh voice and replaced it with a monotonous tone.

Mia was incredibly disappointed, and she became controlled by disbelief and rage when she realized he was not angry at Corrina. How was he okay with a Captain betraying everyone? Mia despises Corrina, and if she ever sees her again she won't be able to keep herself from attacking her.

Her hands balled up into tight fists so her fingernails dug into her skin. "Will all do respect, why are you on Corrina's side?! Why aren't we killing her already?!"

Something about Mia talking about Corrina dying had flicked a switch in Levi's mind, causing him to be blinded by anger.

Levi stormed over to Mia and his hand harshly grabbed her throat, tightening his grip so that her breathing was nothing but wheezing as her eyes popped out of her head with fear. He starred at her- realized what he was doing- and let go, his eyes watching as her body dropped to the ground and her hands flew to her throat as she coughed and gasped desperately for air.

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