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"Then do it," I challenged, watching his eyebrow raise from giving him the same energy he was giving me, not letting him dominate or intimidate me.

While he was taken aback, my right hand balled into a fist, quickly swinging at his face, but, he was somehow faster than me.

Levi blocked my punch with his hand, almost as if I had zero strength compared to him. Which only made me want to fight him more.

He pinned my arm against the wall and wasted no time doing the same to the other, it happened all at once so I wasn't able to stop him.

I glared viciously into his grey eyes, still showing no defeat.

"You're not going to hit me, Levi?" I taunted.

His jaw clenched as his grip on my wrists grew tighter, causing a painful ache to emit.

If I can get him to hit me, that would allow me an opening.

So, I kept going.

"What? Not following through with your word? That seems cowardly, don't you think?"

The expression on his face told me he was down right livid. I could tell he wanted to hit me, so why wasn't he?

"You never know when to shut that damn mouth of yours, do you, Avery?" He retorted through gritted teeth.

I smirked.

"It looks like you don't know when to either."

His grip once again, toughened. The strain it was causing almost made me cringe.

"That's the thing about you, Avery. Everything that comes out of your mouth is shit. You would probably be tolerable if you didn't talk at all."

His hypocritical words made me furious.

I wriggled under his grasp, attempting to move my arms from the tight hold he had on me, but, to no avail.

Levi retreated my arms for a second before slamming them on the wall, earning a low gasp of pain from me.

My blue eyes linked back to his.

"Another thing," he muttered, grey eyes trailing down my face, which was still a scowl.

"You are all talk. You say you're strong, but, here you are, unable to break free."

Anger kept building inside of me, however, I couldn't move my arms. If only he tried something, I would be able to fight back.

I looked down to my feet, an idea unraveling in my mind.

"Don't insinuate that I'm weak." I spat, using all my strength from my leg to knee Levi on his thigh.

He didn't move.


He kneed me back, right in the middle of my stomach.

The shooting pain alone caused me to gasp, and it felt like all the oxygen in my lungs had been ripped out of me.

Levi let go of my arms, letting me fall to the ground. My hands immediately went to my stomach, holding onto it as the ache spread throughout it.

I heavily inhaled as a cough emerged from the back of my throat, attempting to catch my breath.

Even so, my persistence didn't falter.

Ignoring the pain and my staggered breathing, I pushed myself off from the floor and stood up, giving Levi a smile.

"I'm not weak." I stated.

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