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Warnings: smut. Praise kink. talking kink. dom Corrina & Levi. fingering. vaginal sex. slight dumbification. rough sex. slight blood.


Corrina's heart skipped a beat as she swallowed a thick lump of shock and disbelief down her throat. Her mind short circuited due to hearing those three words, her body flushing with intense heat, causing her cheeks to blush.

She couldn't wrap her mind around what Levi spouted out. Had he actually said those words to her? Did she hear what she subconsciously wanted to hear?

However, as her widened eyes gleamed inside of Levi's; she could read how serious he was. They held a sharp stare, not a drip of regret to be seen by his expression or through his eyes.

Levi was dead serious.

Knowing that truth, it made her extremely dumbfounded, but happy. The shock overlapped the satisfaction she felt, because never in a million years did she think she would hear Levi Ackerman say I love you, directly to her face.

If you told her a month ago, she would have felt disgusted while laughing in your face due to how unbelievable it is.

But, the past doesn't matter. This very moment, Levi felt comfortable enough around her to show his vulnerability, and she feels glad he's able to express emotion towards her.

Meanwhile, Levi was growing anxious. He let those words slip right out of his mouth without thinking. But he definitely doesn't regret finally telling her, and finally letting himself feel his true emotions. Levi is worried she will reject him, will laugh about how much a funny joke that is.

Studying her face, he can tell she's obviously taken aback, he understands why of course, after suddenly confessing his hidden love for her. But why wasn't she blinking and eye? Saying anything back? Acting as if she's paralyzed?

He was unaware of Corrina coming to terms with her own feelings for him. She had always thought she liked Levi more than friends, but she couldn't pinpoint the word to use or how to describe it. However, after Levi said I love you, despite the instant shock, her brain wanted to say it back. It felt genuinely right to say those words to him. She just has never felt this way before for anyone. It's new, foreign, and honestly scares the fuck out of her.

Even though she's terrified of these feelings, the love outweighs the fear. She is ready now to blossom, to take this relationship to the next level. She's never wanted anything more in this moment to be official and happy with Levi.

Corrina finally cracked a smile. She brought her hand up to tuck a piece of Levi's black hair behind his ear, and his chest tightened while relief washed through him. This was a good sign.

"I love you, too, Levi."

Her voice soft, gentle, genuine. Levi was content. Extremely content that she feels the same way he does. He could care less about their clashed past. Because he loves every flaw of hers. Loves each trait he hates. And that's how he confirmed what he's feeling is truthful.

His eyes downcast to her full lips, craving the feeling of them on his own.

Corrina saw the way he looked down at her lips and she slowly titled her head to the side, watching as Levi did the same. He leaned in hesitantly, so slowly it felt torturous to Corrina. She decided she was through with the pining, the waiting, she was done with it all. Her hand grabbed Levi's face, forcefully pulling him in, and their lips connected feverishly.

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