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     After what felt like long dragged out years, Corrina was finally cleared from her injuries and released from the infirmary, scheduled to return to her Captain spot.

Although she had a lot of baggage on her mind, she was ecstatic to get back to work and start being a Captain again. She missed it so much, and now the time is here.

She decided to attempt to mask the feelings she grew for Levi, the confusing one where she wanted to kiss him and would get angry every time she even saw that one scout that always sucked up to him. It bothered her profusely, but in the end there was nothing she could do.

Corrina couldn't figure out what she thought about Levi. Yes, she's forgiven him and is his friend, even if he still hates her. But, she also knows that friends don't kiss each other.

She has never been in a relationship before. Her family and working towards being the best scout in the regiment was on the tip of her brain since she was a little kid. The only time she even pondered about dating someone was when Stephan showed attention towards her.

However, she was friends with Stephan but didn't want to kiss him. It didn't feel right to make that move— and it doesn't with Levi too, but at the same time when the moment arrives— it's like her body possesses the action on her own and kissed Levi.

It feels so incredibly wrong—- but so right and gives her stomach twirls like little swarming butterflies, and when her lips are on his— she doesn't want to stop.

All of that is just so confusing and does not make any sense to Corrina, and as much as she just wants to get it over with and find out her feelings; she is back to work and has to care for Corbin since she is able to go back home.

Corrina has to focus on finding three members for her squad, and the mess of mixed emotions swimming in her mind are distraction her.

How is it that when it comes to hiding her feelings, it's super easy and she can pretend those things never happened, but when it comes to Levi and their complicated relationship— it is always on her brain and she can't stop thinking about him?

Corrina heavily sighed while scanning over documents of scouts names with their abilities listed next to it. Some names have popped out to her, and she has already made a decision for one scout.

Mikasa Ackerman; equal to 100 soldiers. Amazingly talented with slaying Titans and incredibly strong; as well as intelligent.

The perfect fit for what Corrina is looking for.

She also decided to go with Jean Kirstein. After intently reading his folder she was satisfied with how helpful and intelligent he can be, that's an asset she desperately needed for her squad.

Now her squad consisted of herself, Jean, Mikasa, Lila, and Corbin. The new and improved Corrina squad; and she couldn't be more happy with the choices she made.

Corrina sighed contently and leaned back in her chair to breathe- that was until the door to her home swung open while Hange approached her with smile.

The blonde smiled back and chuckled, wondering why her friend was in such a good mood. I mean, it's not uncommon, but she's still curious.

"Someone have a good day?" Corrina asked while standing up from her chair.

"Well, it's just that so many things have been going on recently, and I'm so happy that you and Corbin are safe. We even got Eren back home, and he has new titan abilities that will be very useful to the scouts!"

Corrina nodded. "Yeah, but at the same time so many questions are unanswered. Like where did Reiner and Bertholt go? How can they transform? And why do they want Eren?"

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