Chapter 55

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Kal immediately realised that something was wrong, call it perks of being a service dog. He always understood when Henry was close to getting an anxiety attack, and he was always there to comfort him. Mia and Henry had been together for quite some time now, so he knew when she was getting one as well. This time it wasn't any different; Mia's hands were trembling, and her heart was racing, pacing back and forth she started slowly ripping the letter apart, Kal was behind her every step of the way. Only when she turned around did she realise that her trustworthy companion was following her. The black and white dog tilted his head both in confusion and worry, he realised that what Mia wanted was someone to cheer her up and get her mind of whatever thoughts were running around her mind. So he stuck his tongue out and raised his paw as if to make her follow him. Mia gave her friend a little smile and followed him out in the garden, where he brought her all his toys, before rolling around the green grass and running around maniacally. That helped Mia crack an even brighter smile, and Kal waved his tail proudly as he got closer to her and rested his head on her lap. Mia instantly scratched his ears and gave his forehead a little peck. "Guess you're right, I mean that person always says stuff but never actually does anything." She spoke to her furry friend as if he would reply. "So there's nothing to worry about right?" Kal stuck his tongue as he agreed, but immediately after he let out a quiet bark. "Well, there's nothing to worry about, so there's no point telling Henry."

"What's there no point telling me?" Henry's voice was strict yet calm. Mia and Kal immediately turned around to see the bulky man, who was now grabbing the balcony railing as if what he just heard annoyed him. Kal was so quick to stand up and run towards his dad, while Mia was a bit slower, giving him a faint smile as she tried to bite down the urge to tell him about the letters. She got closer to him and gave his upper arm a little kiss, but Henry still seemed mad.

"Well, I'm not really in the mood to cook, and I know I was supposed to for our movie night, but do you mind if we could order something?" She mumbled childishly as she playfully bit her lip.

"Are you sure that's just it?" Henry raised a quizzical brow at her as he wrapped his hands around his middle, still not believing her.

"Cross my heart." Mia claimed as she did a cross sign by her heart.

"Fine, but I get to choose what we're having." Henry huffed, giving in to the red-haired woman opposite him.

Mia clapped her hands joyously "can we get milkshakes as well?".

Henry narrowed his eyes at her "you're paying for that." He raised a playful warning finger at her and then got his phone so that he could order their food as he moved inside the house. Kal gave Mia a confused look, and she silently told him to hush because the last thing she needed right now was for Henry to worry.

But little did she know that Henry already started to worry, but for the wrong reason.

Mia thanked the delivery driver and did a little dance as she got her Five Guys milkshakes. For Henry, she ordered a strawberry and chocolate milkshake that she knew he liked, while for she couldn't just choose between two flavours for herself; so she ordered vanilla, oreo cookies, lotus biscoff, salted caramel and banana. Henry had ordered two pepperoni and a margarita pizza that arrived just a couple of minutes later. They both got comfortable on the sofa and started their movie. For both Mia and Henry the hours seemed longer; Mia could feel that there was still tension between them. Henry would always cuddle up to her, but now he barely put his hand on her thigh.

"What's up?" Mia exclaimed as soon as the movie was over.

"What's there you're not telling me?" He didn't even try looking at her.

"Are you still about earlier? I told you--"

"Look, I have been fucked over before, you wouldn't be the first." He slightly raised his voice but still didn't look at her.

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