Chapter 27

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His makeup artist was on the phone, letting him know that he was 20 minutes late and was wondering where he was.

Simultaneously we both murmured fuck under our breaths as soon as we realized the time and we stormed off the house to get to the set.

Henry left me with Kal and planted a kiss on my cheek as he went to get his makeup done while I went to my trailer to get my gear.

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I was looking for my 18-55mm lens when I heard Kal woof facing at the door. I turn around to see Freya and Anya. They both let out a sigh of relief and Anya stormed in my trailer embracing me in a tight hug, something Freya mimicked shortly after. Anya was the first to break the hug and she cupped my elbows giving them a gentle squeeze. "Where have you been? We were so worried". She asked me concerned.

"I was with Henry, he bought a new house and he wanted to show me" I admitted giving her a reassuring smile.

They both raised quizzical brows at me looking at each other then looking back at me.

"What?" I asked them as I put my hands on my waist.

"So you spent the night at Henry's?" Anya blurted out with the most mischievous smile on her face.

"Yes... But it's not what you may think, he wanted my help to decorate his house" I admitted as I knew she was probably thinking that something happened between me and Henry.

I mean something almost did happen but she doesn't need to know.

Anya lift her hands up in desperation "for the love of God woman, when are you going to understand that he's head over heels for you? Do you really think that he just wanted to help him decorate his house? Come on Mia, you're smarter than that."

Freya crossed her arms "she's right you know" she muttered agreeing with Anya.

"Look, right now I'm focused on work and forming good friendships with you guys" I stated pointing at them. "I really don't have time to deal with romantic relationships." I let out a big sigh as I put my lenses on my waist bag and putting my camera around my neck and taking Kal by his leash and lead him outside.
I could hear the girls running behind me. "But Mia, you're made for each other" Anya exclaimed trying to catch her breath. Something which caused me to stop and turn around to face her.
"Anya, we know each other, what? A month? How can you possibly say that we're made for one another? We barely know anything about each other." I had a defeated tone in my voice.
"Why don't you give him and yourself a chance?" Freya asked gently.
"Cause I am not interested in a relationship right now" I huffed as I continued going to the set and the girls were following me.

We got to the studio and Kal went to his usual spot and quickly fell asleep. Anya And Freya by my side while I was getting my equipment ready. I set up my camera on my tripod put on the right settings and I was ready to shoot. Freya and Anya needed to leave so we hugged goodbye, but as they were starting to leave Anya murmured under her breath "I bet there's something you're not telling us, something you're afraid of".
It was loud enough for me to hear and I couldn't help but stare at her leaving. And I couldn't stop because deep down I knew she was right.

The day was long, and I managed to take some good photos but I couldn't stop thinking about what Anya said.
I noticed that she was really close to Henry today, I mean they are close anyway, but today they were closer. Anya kept whispering things to him and Freya would join at some points. Could she be telling him about me? And how she felt I was hiding things? What was she trying to do? And why did I start feeling jealous?

Lauren pushed me off my thoughts as she yelled that filming was done for today and congratulating everyone for their work. During the whole filming, I kept feeling my phone vibrate so I decided to check it after we were done. I had a bunch of notifications from Steph saying that she needed to talk to me and that it was urgent. I immediately got concerned, I replied to her that I would call her in 10 minutes and I rushed to Henry to bring him Kal back.
He was nowhere to be found, I went around the set, to the stables, to the makeup room but he wasn't there. I was panting, trying to catch my breath with all this running, and that fluffy bear was running so fast that I could barely keep up with him. After some time of not being able to find Henry I gave up and started going to my trailer.
And that's when I saw him. He was with Freya and Anya again chatting. I ran towards them and they immediately stopped whatever they were saying, like they were hiding something. I didn't really want to put too much thought into this as I was getting worried about Steph.

"Woah, why are you all sweaty?" Freya let out a chuckle.
"I was looking for you" I admitted to Freya while pointing at Henry still trying to catch my breath. "Steph has spammed with messages that something urgent happened and I'm getting worried, so I kept running around looking for you to bring you your bear back". I continued while I handed Henry Kal's leash.
Henry had a guilty look on his face "Sorry, if I knew I would have come to pick him up sooner."
Before he could continue Anya cut him off "wait who is Steph?"
"Mia's best friend" Henry exclaimed. "Go, and let me know what happened after." he continued giving me a reassuring smile.

I nodded in agreement while I waved them goodbye and run to my trailer.
As soon as I got in I started calling Steph, she hadn't responded to my last message which made me even more concerned. The phone kept ringing but no answer from her, I ended up calling her another two times.

Come on Steph, please pick up, please

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