Chapter 40

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Letting out a small chuckle Henry patted the empty space on the bed next to him. Giving him a weak smile I hop on the bed getting under the blankets. "I love seeing you with your hair down" he grinned, getting a strand of hair out of my face "can't sleep?". I shook my head in disagreement and buried myself under the soft and thick blue blanket. Henry yanked it off me and I let out a small yelp which only earned a chuckle from him. He lifted me up, making sure I rested my back on the headboard before he wrapped an arm around me, embracing me in a hug. My face rested on his bare, muscular chest, his smell, mahogany and leatherbound books, was intoxicating. "Do you want to talk about it?" his voice like a whisper, his index finger under my chin lifting my head slowly up so he could gaze deep into my eyes. "Where should I start?" I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "What happened with your mum?" his baritone voice was full of concern. "Just we had an argument before I left and she was still holding grudges and said things she shouldn't have said. And the worst of all is that she said it in the worst possible time." I huffed, wrapping my hands around my middle, still angry and comprehending the words she said.
Have you no respect for her? Her voice still echoed in my ears when Henry snapped me off "what did you argue about?" he was rubbing my back softly by now. "Just she doesn't understand that I need to spend months away from home because of what I do. She felt like I was using her, saying that I treat them like a hotel, coming in every few months, having somewhere to sleep and eat and not do anything else. But the thing is I've helped her more than once financially and I never expect her to have some food ready for me. Hell, I've even saved money to help her buy her dream house. But I just gave the money to my little sister, at least she would appreciate it." I was angry and talking really fast but Henry seemed to have no problem understanding what I was saying. He kissed my temple "I see, do you want to tell me what is it that she said during the funeral?". I looked up to face him, considering if I should tell him or not. I didn't want him to feel bad about what my mum said, because it was partly about him being there with me. And she happens to have this weird charm of just making everyone uncomfortable. After some time I gathered my thoughts and reached the decision of what to answer him, I swung an arm around his waist while my leg wrapped around his hip, my face now buried in his chest."It's just that she doesn't understand that when I'm in a relationship with someone I want them to be part in every important time of my life. And apparently to her, that is disrespecting." I mumbled and Henry cupped my shoulders breaking the hug so I could face him."

"So we are in a relationship then?" he tried to look serious but I could see that his eyes were glistening with hope. A lump formed on my throat unaware of what I said just a few seconds ago. I got lost in his ocean eyes trying to find an answer. I didn't know what we were, this whole thing happened in a really bad moment in my life.

How do I know that he's not with me because he is pitying me?
How can my best friend die and I get into a relationship at the same time?
Is that what my mum meant?
Am I truly disrespecting her memory by getting into a relationship with him?
But that is what she wanted me to do right?
Wasn't that her will? To give a chance to Henry and a chance at happiness?
What if it's too early?

Henry waved his hand in front of my eyes "I lost you there for a second." he chuckled uncomfortably. I placed my hand on his, giving it a small squeeze. "This whole thing happened in a really hard time of my life, I would love to be with you but I want us to take it slow, see where it ends up. Plus we don't want Lucy to freak out and make our lives miserable." I finally mustered all my strength to confess to him, chuckling at the latter.
With an understanding smile he softly pecked my lips "that seems fair, but don't worry about Lucy, she's my problem and I'm going to deal with her." He pressed his lips in a thin line giving me a reassuring smile while laying down, bring me down with him and swinging an arm around my shoulder and the other around my waist. I turned to face him as I wrapped my arm around his waist while the other was resting on my head.

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