Chapter 44

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Recognizing Lucy from behind I couldn't shake the feeling off that she had something to do with this.

Did she mean to hurt me?
Does she want to get rid of me one way or the other?
But why?
I haven't done anything to her.
Or does she want to hurt me just to hurt Henry?

Anya shook me off my thoughts when she got herself comfortable next to me. "How is the pain?" she asked concerned. "Seriously considering on overdosing on paracetamols. But other than that it's going okay." I joked letting out a smirk that was barely visible as the camera was hiding my face. Anya let out a low gasp as she softly punched my arm "Don't say that!" she exhorted. "It was a joke Chalotra. Calm your tits." I jested and showed her the photo I took "look, you made me move and the picture got blurry." I pouted but she only let out a small giggle "serves you right." She covered her mouth trying to drown her laugh and I put my hands on my waist trying to seem offended.
"Hey, Anya?" My voice almost a whisper. "Mh-hmm?" she hummed while her eyes never left the set. "I've got this weird feeling." I admitted. She turned her attention to me "Are you in pain? Do you want me to take you back to your trailer?" she asked concerned. I shook my head in refusal "I am in pain but I don't want to go back." I confessed looking at my lap and she started gently rubbing my back. "What is it then?". I started looking behind me making sure that no one heard us. "Okay, promise me you won't mention anything to Henry." I almost begged and she just nodded her head.
"I don't think what happened was just a plain accident." I admitted while my eyes pointed at my wounded leg.


"What do you mean she may have something to do with it?!" Anya was shouting as she was angrily pacing back and forth in my trailer. I told the anxious brunette that I wouldn't tell her anything more until Freya finished shooting as well. And now here we were, in my trailer trying to calm Anya down. "You need to tell Henry." Freya turned to me ignoring the angry Anya. "No, and please don't tell him anything." I glared at her and that's when Anya stopped pacing around and stood in front of me with her hands on her waist "Why shouldn't we tell him Mia? He's your boyfriend.  He needs to know if his psychotic ex intends to hurt you." She threw her hands in the air from the desperation. I let out a big sigh "cause if I tell him then he won't be focusing on work. He's going to be focusing on me. Right now he's living his dream. And I don't want to be the reason why his dream is ruined. I saw him how he was after we got back. He wouldn't get his eyes off me, he would always make sure I was alright and not if the scene was good." I got up to grab myself a glass of water to get my painkillers, hissing in pain. I turned back to face them again "and I know you noticed it too." Both girls shared similar looks and Anya came closer to me placing her hand on my back and guiding me back to the sofa. "He really cares for you, that's all." Anya declared while she sat down next to me. "And I care about him." I admitted to them "and that is why I don't want to be the reason why he's not doing his job properly." I exclaimed as I buried my face on the palm of my hands and felt two pairs of hands around me embracing me in a hug. "You're not gonna break up with him, are you?" Freya whispered while her face was buried at the crook of my neck. I shook my head and kissed the top of hers "No, I'm not."


5 months now the girls had a strong urge to tell Henry what had happened, due to the fact that Lucy kept glaring at me and still trying to hurt me one way or the other. One time she tried to tackle me off the stairs but I managed to get a grip of the rails before losing my balance. Or the other time I was by the stables taking Kal for a walk and she somehow managed to upset the horses and Zeus, Geralt's horse, almost hit me in the face. To be honest, I don't know what I've done wrong and Lucy wants to hurt me but at the same time, I don't want to confront her. I tried to convince the girls to not mention anything to Henry since nothing happened, and after lots of tries, I finally managed to convince them. 

Henry kept taking care of me when the wound was still sore, he made sure he changed my bandages and cleaned it. I tried to tell him that I could do it myself but he would have none of that. When the stitches fell off he was still having a look making sure it was healing nicely, and by now I've only got a scar there. After the incident, he never left me from his sight and always wanted to make sure I was alright. He was so overprotective that it had to take lots of convincing to make him come in terms that I would be fine on my own. 

Through time I started having less nightmares about Steph, but every once in a while she  would come back, and every time it was always harder than the last. Henry knew, so he always made sure I would fall asleep first before he drifted off as well.
I admitted to him that I was struggling with nightmares way before Steph died. I described to him what they were on about and I even though I hesitated I also told him that I struggle with depression and had to take antidepressants.
I was so sure that he was going to look at me differently after that, but he never did. He didn't treat me any different nor did I feel that he was feeling pity for me. He still wanted to be with me even after he saw how broken I am.
And at that moment I felt an unexplainable relief. It was like an elephant took its foot of my chest. Through time I started feeling that I could let myself be free again. Free to trust and to love. And I felt that Henry could be the one.

But there were still voices in my head. Voice telling me that sooner or later he would be bored of me.
What if what Lucy said is true?
What if he gets bored of me after 6 months?
I mean he never had any longer relationships.
Why would it be different with me?
What if he has had enough of me and my depression and nightmares?
I wouldn't blame him.
No one could live with that.
Hell, I barely can live with that.

A soft pinch on my forearm shook me off my thoughts and I took my headphones off looking at the direction the pinch came from.
"Hey there sleepyhead, we've landed." A small smile was resting on Henry's face as he helped get my suitcase.

We were in Spain doing the last shoots and now that filming had ended we were on our way home. All this time being with Henry I started feeling this thing between us would work and we decided to live together as a couple.

I was terrified, because last time I lived with someone I ended having my heart broken into million pieces. But I did for Steph, I wanted her to look down at me and be proud. I wanted her to be proud that I was facing my fears. I wanted her to be proud that I gave a chance at happiness.
And that's why I saw it as a good sign when we got off the plane and got greeted by the hot and sunny weather, which is so unlike UK.

A sign that everything would be alright in the end.

Getting into the uber Kal was growing restless and to be honest so was me and Henry. It felt so good to be finally home and have some time off.
After we turned to the familiar road Kal started jumping up and down, clearly recognising home. I couldn't contain my giggle as Henry tried to calm him down.
We got of the uber and the driver helped us take off all of our suitcases while the fluffy bear run straight to the door. We soon followed him and I helped Henry find his keys. His hands were full so he let me know that he had the keys on the back pocket of his jeans. I reached into the pocket taking the metal keys off before giving his ass a small pinch. The sudden feel made him jump in surprise and he flipped me of f before unlocking the door.
Kal ran straight inside going up and down the stairs wagging his tail happily.
We let the suitcases by the living room and Henry flung an arm around my shoulder placing a soft kiss on my temple.

"Welcome home."

*A/N Heyyyy guys, so here's another update. Sorry it took so long, work got the best of me. I just finished my first week and I must say that I'm exhausted. I'm working 8 and 9 hours almost every day. Now I've got today and tomorrow off but I'll be working every weekend which makes me want to kill myself. But I'll try to keep uploading on my days off.
Sorry if this chapter is a bit shit.

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